Almaty Mini Maker Faire

Attention all Makers!  The purpose of this Telegram group is to get to know each other better.  Feel free to socialize, ask each other questions about your projects, etc.  Organizers may also use this group to send out informal information about the Faire.  It may also be used on the day of the Faire. All formal communication about the Faire will be done over email.  

Please read the Makers’ Manual that you received.  This Manual addresses many questions that have been posted to the Telegram group.  Please address all additional questions to the Almaty Mini Maker Faire Organizing Committee at makers@almatymakerfaire.com.  

Q:  What is the timing of the Maker Faire? When I should arrive on site? When can I leave the site?

A:  If you are an exhibitor, you must be at the Faire from 10:00 till 20:00 on April 14, 2018.  Load-in/Set-up is from 06:00 to 08:30; exact times will be provided no later than April 10, 2018.  Tear down/load out is from 20:00-23:00 on April 14, 2018. You must be available at your exhibit during the entire exhibiting hours.  For more details please read the Makers’ Manual.

Q: Can Maker Faire provide a truck for transportation of my exhibits to the place of the event?

A: No, this is the responsibility of the exhibitor.  There is also no public parking available at the site; please plan accordingly.

Q: Will Maker Faire provide me with helpers to unload/load/move my exhibits at the event site?

A:  This is the responsibility of the exhibitor.  Please refer to the Makers’ Checklist in the Makers’ Manual for some ideas to help you with load-in/set-up.

Q: Will there be a cart or trolley available for me to unload and move my exhibit?

A:  Yes, we will provide a cart to carry heavy items.

Q: Are there any size and weight limitations for my exhibits when unloading, moving?

A:  Yes, we have a limitation on the size by the size of entrance doors.( width height)

Q: What is the size of the table?  How many chairs do I get? Should I bring a sign?

A:  Please refer to the Makers’ Manual; this provides information on the table size, the number of chairs and the signage.

Q: I have special requirement for space/facilities/supplies for my exhibit. How should I proceed?

A:  As requested in the Makers’ Manual, these should have been specified in the application.  If you did not specify these and you have special requirements, please send these to makers@almatymakerfaire.com.

Q: How many power sockets 220V shall I have at my exhibit place?

A:  We are providing at least two sockets but if you need much more please contact us at makers@almatymakerfaire.com.  

Q: Will WiFi Internet connection be available on site?

A:  Yes.  But it will be limited.  Please do not stream video unless absolutely necessary.  

Q: Can I park at the event site?

A:  There is also no public parking available at the site; please plan accordingly.

Q: Will there be a secure coat check in the building? Can I use it?

A:  Yes, there is limited space for your coats.  You are free to use it until it is full.

Q: Will it be a locker for my personal belongings?

A:  No. You will be responsible for all of your personal belongings.

Q: Should I pay for my participation as a maker?

A: As an exhibiting maker, presenter or trainer in a workshop, you will receive a free pass to the Faire.  Team members working a minimum of five (5) hours at the exhibit will qualify for free entrance at check-in.  You must submit all names of your team (including your own) at the Maker / Assistant Check-in List available here:  https://goo.gl/forms/46JCVwtZJDpZOWML2

Q: Can I bring my friends or family with me?

A: Of course!  As an exhibiting maker, presenter or trainer in a workshop, you will receive a free pass to the Faire.  Anyone working more than five (5) hours at the exhibit booth is also eligible for a pass. All others should purchase a ticket to the Faire, http://almaty.makerfaire.com.

Q: Will Maker Faire pay me for my participation/exhibition/presentation/workshop?

A: No.  A Maker Faire is a place where people share their ideas and learn from each other.  

Q: Will Maker Faire compensate my travel expenses?

A:  Maker Faire offered ten travel scholarships for Kazakhstani makers coming from outside of Almaty.  Maker Faire also worked with U.S. Embassies in Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan to offer a few travel scholarships for some makers from other countries.  If you received one of these travel scholarships, you have already been notified. If you did not receive a message about a travel scholarship and you were accepted as a maker, you must pay for all of your own travel expenses.  

Q: Can I sell anything during the event?

A: No, this is not a commercial event. A Maker Faire is a celebration of creativity, innovation and resourcefulness; it is not a trade show.  There will be a few activities organized by Maker Faire that will require visitors to purchase an additional ticket to participate. These activities are organized by Maker Faire and have already been decided.

Q: Can I advertise my goods/services?

A: Although this is not a trade show, we understand that you may use this event for limited marketing.

Q:  When will the event schedule, with workshops and presentations, be published?  

A: A preliminary schedule will be available by the end of March.  This will be subject to change. A final schedule will be published no later than April 10, 2018.  If you are a presenter or offering a workshop or a masterclass, you will be notified by email of your time.  All others please watch the website for the schedule! https://almaty.makerfaire.com

Q: If I am a presenter or offering a masterclass later in the day, do I need to check-in in the morning of April 14?  

A: We ask that all makers check-in between 06:00 and 08:30am, even if your presentation/workshop/masterclass is later in the day.  This way we know that you have arrived at the Faire. At this time we will also distribute t-shirts and badges. The event will formally open at 10:00 with a short ceremony and we would like everyone there.  Please let us know at makers@almatymakerfaire.com if this is a problem.

Q: If I am a presenter or offering a masterclass, should I send my presentation and visuals in advance? By what date should I send them?

A: Presentation and visuals should be send before March 30.

Q: Is there a dress code for makers?

A: No.  Each exhibit booth will provide up to two t-shirts for you to wear.  We encourage you to wear them, but they are not mandatory.

Q: I am coming from another city on behalf of my organization. Who can sign and stamp my Business trip certificate?

A:  We cannot provide official business trip certificates.

Q: Can I use my mobile phone to make and answer calls during the event?

A:  Of course!  Please also take photos and share them on social media!  #AlmatyMiniMakerFaire and tag @almatymakerfaire on Instagram

Q: Will drinks and food be provided to Makers?

A:  No. But, there will be a food court on-site for food and beverage purchases.

Q: Can I leave the site (building and outside area) and then come back from time to time?

A:  Only if one of your team members is watching your exhibit.  

Q: Can I leave my Exhibit unattended If I am alone and I want to eat, drink or go to toilet?

A:  Please ask one of your neighboring exhibitors to watch your booth.  Also, make sure to explain what it is you are exhibiting so that he/she can explain it to people who are interested!

Q: Can I participate at the others’ workshops and attend other presentations?

A:  Workshops are very limited and are for the ticket-paying public.  You may be able to attend a presentation if there is space and if one of your team members is watching your exhibit.

Q: What should I do if I will feel sick during the event?

A:  Make sure to have one of your team members watch your exhibit.  If you are alone, please notify one of the volunteers for help. There will be a city ambulance on site.

Q: What should I do in case of fire or other emergencies?

A:  There will be a published emergency plan.  Also,  in case of fire on special exhibitions, our specially trained workers from SmArt.Point fire department will guide you to the safest place.

Q: Can I leave my exhibits on site after the event to pick them up on April 15th or on working day Monday 16th?

A: No, all exhibits must be torn down and packed up from 20:00-23:00 on April 14.  If not, they will be disposed of.

Please read your Makers’ Manual.  Please address all additional questions to makers@almatymakerfaire.com.  Thank you!  

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