

Investy guide
About Investy app

1.1. What is the address of Investy platform?

Web application

Official site

1.2.  What functions has Investy platform got today?

1.  Create your cryptocurrency portfolio and carry out its balancing directly with the Investy application.

2.  Make your portfolio public and earn by investor subscribing to it.

3.  Subscribe to the portfolio following function and receive portfolio balancing reports from a professional trader.

4.  Connect the function of automatic transaction copying. Investy platform automatically makes transactions from your stock account, and balances the portfolio with maximum efficiency.

1.3. What stock exchanges does the platform support?

At the moment the platform is integrated with the following exchanges:


In the March update, the Binance stock exchange will be added.

1.4. How to create API-key on the Poloniex exchange and connect it to the Investy platform?

To see the detailed instructions follow the link

1.5. How to register on the platform?

To see the detailed instructions follow the link

1.6. How to subscribe to the portfolio and receive signals?

To see the detailed instructions follow the link

1.7. How to subscribe to the autofollowing function?

To see the detailed instructions follow the link

1.8. How to activate the function of automatic transaction copying to several portfolios?

At the moment, the function is available only for one portfolio. In the March update it will be available for several portfolios.

1.9. How to deactivate the automatic transaction copying function of the portfolio and apply the function to another portfolio?

To see the detailed instructions follow the link

1.10. How to create a portfolio?

To see the detailed instructions follow the link

1.11. How to create a public portfolio?

To see the detailed instructions follow the link

1.12. I created a public portfolio, why isn’t it on the marketplace?

Portfolios are published on the marketplace for 5 minutes, wait a bit.

1.13. How to make a portfolio rebalancing?

To see the detailed instructions follow the link

1.14. How much does it cost to use the platform?

It depends on what services you use.

So, the price for subscribing for signals of a portfolio trader is determined by him and regulated by market relations.

The price of the automatic signals (purchase / sale) on Poloniex stock exchange depends on the size of the deposit in which the autofollowing is performed:

Free (Max amount 0.01 BTC): 0 USD
Newbie (Max amount 0.1 BTC): 29 USD
Advanced (Max amount 0.3 BTC): 49 USD
Pro (Max amount 1 BTC): 99 USD
Expert (Max amount 5 BTC): 179 USD

1.15. Как изменить API ключ?

Эта функция будет добавлена в мартовском обновлении.

1.16. Как пополнить счет?

На платформе нет криптовалютного кошелька, все ваши средства хранятся на кошельке той биржи, которой вы доверяете. Синхронизация с биржевым аккаунтом происходит с помощью API-ключей.

1.17. Забыл пароль для входа в приложение, как его восстановить?

Напишите нам письмо на info@investy.io со своего E-mail адреса, который Вы указывали при регистрации. Мы вышлем Вам новый пароль. Скоро будет добавлена функция восстановления пароля на сайте.

О ресурсах Investy

2.1. Какие есть чаты и каналы сервиса в Telegram?

Официальный канал проекта. Все новости и актуальная информация, обязательно подпишитесь.

Официальный чат проекта. Для обсуждения всего, что связано непосредственно с платформой (проблемы, идеи, помощь и т.д.)

2.2. Ваши медиа ресурсы?

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