


Services on which we offer a 50% discount:

🏫 Booking.com, Agoda.com, Expedia.com - any hotel in any country

🏠 Airbnb.com - any apartment in any country

✈️ SkyScanner.com - flights of any company

🚗 RentalCars.com - rent a car in any country

ℹ️ All other services on request

How does it work?

We have already answered this question many times on our channel, but new customers subscribe to us every day, so we want to explain everything again in this post and fix it for review. Most people confuse us with carders, but we confidently declare that WE DO NOT USE OTHER PEOPLE'S CARDS FOR PAYMENT. The principle of our work is that we pay for your booking with our cards, and after the booking is completed, we compensate the total cost through the insurance company. This process does not affect the individual transaction, the insurance company compensates the total bill, so your booking is not displayed in the process, and it is absolutely safe for you.

How do book with a 50% discount?

  1. To book a hotel, apartment, air ticket, car rental, etc. with a 50% discount, you need to send us a link with the desired option
  2. The manager will send you a form in which you will need to specify the necessary data for booking
  3. After agreeing on all the details, pay half of the total cost in any available way (payment options in the last paragraph) and send us a confirmation
  4. The reservation is made within 30 minutes after payment
  5. When booking, the confirmation from the service will be sent to your email address and duplicated in the chat. In the case of Airbnb, we provide your name and email address so that the booking is displayed in your app in the "Trips" section

*Throughout your stay you can contact the manager for any questions. We will be grateful for your feedback about our service after the service provided

Payment methods

  1. PaySend.com – transfer from Сard to Сard. Available for all countries.
  2. Cryptocurrency – we accept any coins. Available for all countries.
  3. Bank transfer – payment by bank details. Available only for Russia.

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