

Card 9

1. Let’s talk about your family. What is family for you?

I believe that everything has its beginning in the family. In my opinion, a family is an emotional center of a person’s life, transmitter of culture, traditions, moral values, and the place where children are raised. It is a place where you feel support and understanding, where you learn how to behave, communicate and interact with other people. 

My family means the world to me. My family consists of my mother, ___________________________________.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I love my parents, because they take care of me, they are kind and sympathetic; they are always ready to help me. My parents never ignore me; they always support and understand all my problems. I can’t live without their help and respect, and I know that they also need my attention.

When I am discouraged, I come to my parents. I tell them my feelings and ask them to help me. They always understand and comfort me.

My parents set a good example for me and I look up to them.

Our family is very united. We don’t see eye to eye on some things but on the whole my parents are very understanding. We are a happy family. I can say that our family is close knit. We love and respect each other. I am proud of my family. We are happy when we are together.

2. Would you like to become more independent from your parents?

Yes, I would. I’d like to become more independent from my parents in the future; nevertheless, I’m sure, we’ll always be the best friends because my parents are the most important people in the world.

3. What will you ask your British friend about his / her family?

1. What traditions are there in your family?

2. Is there a generation gap in your family?

3. Are you on good terms with your sister?

4. Do you get on well with your parents?

5. How do you spend your free time in your family?

6. Do you discuss your problems with your family?

4. What can you advise people who want to have a close and happy family?

Strong, happy families spend time together. So I can advise: after dinner, for example, take walks together or play games. Talk about your problems and work together to solve them. Show each other affection and appreciation. 

5. What is an ideal family for you?

To my point of view an ideal family is the family, where people are friendly, tolerant, sympathetic, and considerate. The members of the family always communicate with each other. If they don’t see eye to eye on some things they talk it over. Moreover, the members of the family share joys and sorrows as well as domestic chores, help each other in a difficult situation.

Parents set a good example to their children, so their children look up to them and are grateful and respectful to their parents. The family spends a lot of time together; they have their own family traditions which make their family tight-knit. To conclude I’d like to say that I hope I will have such a family in future.

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