

If you have any questions please ask me

You can see all question and answer in @FamilyGangDragonScale

First to say sorry for my english I'm Cuban and I use a translator

My name is purphoros PURPHI for friends, I have been playing this for more than 1 year and 3 months I am currently a member of VON, and I am an ALCH-BS mem with a snake mix

Many will not know me because I am not very active in chat, I hate drama.

First of all I do not want to be the leader of the castle, but I want to be the person that everyone can trust, I will create a decision system where the majority of the players of this castle are counted, after all this is a game and it is enjoyed as everyone likes.

I know there are policies that limit many players, but the most important thing is that neither one person nor 10 can build a castle.

I know that the work of a leader is not an easy thing, so I will not work alone, I will only be the one to take the blows when things do not go as expected in this castle.

I'm looking for the first place in the top from where we should never have gone down, and only by working together and enjoying what is essential can we return.

By the way I hope to see several old guilds again with 🐉 in front of their tag

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