Fake Mushroom

Fake Mushroom

Short Rhymes

You dare call him Russian Snowden?

It's not fair bro don't rush up, slow down!

He breaks the law, the mushroom is rotten -

The fake score won, crash at knockdown.

Our sportsmen are acquitted by CAS, 

But WADA's still fucking us in the ass.

While we try to keep up the pace 

They do big steps towards the progress 

Nobody cares even if you win,

What more important is your urine.

Rivals will be blamed in the sin

So that's true games welcome to the ring

| to dare - осмелиться

| don't rush up - не гони

| slow down - притормози

| rotten - гнилой

| fake score - фальшивый результат (напр. соревнований)

| crash at knockdown - крах после сокрушительного удара

| to acquit - оправдать

| to keep up the pace - идти в ногу

| urine - моча

| rivals - соперники

| sin - грех



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