

The saints who believe in Jesus are those who believe in the word of God. The reason why a man is keen to persecute is that the devil of persecution is attached to him. On the contrary, a man can teach the word of God, it is because the God of word, the Spirit of God is with him.

(refer to Jn 3:31-34, Jn 14∶23-24, 1Jn4:1-6)

Through the Bible, we can see that all the messengers sent by God in every era have been criticized, but those who have done criticisms are the traditional pastors and elders who claim themselves as devout orthodoxy. (refer to Mt 5:10-12, Mt 23:33-34, Mt27:1-2, Acts 7:51-54) All these men who are persecuted are the messengers that sent by God.

Some people do persecution, and some people are persecuted, so who are the one that truly belong to God between these two kinds of people? Likewise, who will enter the kingdom of heaven and who will go to hell between these two? As in Noah's and Lot's time, we can not do persecution, for this will only lead us to the road of destruction. So choosing the path to salvation is the best policy.

The reason why a person do persecution is nothing more than a motive of the following. That is: criticize everything that he doesn't know, criticize everything that he can't do. At the same time, he is more afraid of being seen his ignorance and falling to the end of bad fame.

Men who do criticism, when you shall be hungry, we who are persecuted that shall have food and clothing; when you live in darkness, we shall welcome the light; and when you are cursed, we shall enjoy the blessings of God. (refer to Mt 25). In other words, the persecutors and the devils will be thrown into hell soon, that is the bottomless pit, there will be eternal punishment waiting for them. (Rv 20:2-3). Though today we are persecuted for preaching the word of God, we will share the blessing of eternal life with the lord in the paradise of heaven. (refer to Rv 22:1-5)

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