

- Have you found that Facebook ads is just getting more expensive year every year?

It's going to be harder for you to compete with your competition?

Hi, everyone! I'm Neil Patel and today, I'm going to share with you six Facebook ad strategies and tools that'll help you do better in 2019 .

Before we get started, make sure you subscribe to this channel. That way when I release other social media marketing tips like this in either other SEO and ad tips like this, you'll get notified.

Question for you, how many of you run Facebook ads? If you do, leave a comment below with yes. If you don't, leave a comment below with no.

First strategy and tool I have for you is spy on your competitor's ads.

What works for your competitors probably will work for you.

But, how do you know something's

working for your competitors?

How do you even see their ads?

Did you know Facebook tells you every single thing

that your competitors are advertising on?

Just go to their page, click on info and ads.

Right, go to their fan page,

click on the info and ads button.

It'll show you all their ads, their campaigns,

the landing pages they're driving to,

the webinars that they're running.

This will help you determine what's working for competitors,

what's not, and this will give you a start.

You don't want to recreate the wheel.

If something's working for your competitors,

you keep seeing their ads, you know they've been around

for a few years, well, might as well figure out

how to just copy them and start from there and then tweak.

The next strategy I have for you is make it hard

for people to spy on your ads.

You're already spying on your competitor's ads

and taking their strategies.

Do you want them to do the same to you?

Of course not!

What I want you to do is switch

your page template to video template.

Because what you'll find is, yeah, they can still figure out

what ads you're running, but it makes it so much harder

and people tend to give up because

it changes the layout of the page.

So, when you switch to video template,

they typically won't be seeing what you're advertising on

because they won't know where to go.

The third thing I want you to do is check out bigspy.com.

You can put in keywords in there in anything.

So for me, I may put in keywords related to marketing.

It'll show me all the ads related to that keywords.

Because you may have other people in your space

that are buying ads that you don't even know about

that are doing really well.

Big Spy will show you this.

It's a great tool and it shows you this

in one really simple to use interface.

The fourth thing I want you to do is check out

Facebook Audience Insights.

It's a tool that Facebook gives you.

You may not already have a big community,

a big email list that you can upload into Facebook.

You may not be able to do look like audiences

from day one, but Audience Insights

will give you a lot of information.

What people are on Facebook?

What interests do they have?

What time of the day are they using Facebook?

What are the demographics and the makeup of that audience?

This will tell you who you should be serving ads to

and who you shouldn't be.

They even show you really cool nifty charts

and you can adjust them and put dead against each other

and start doing comparisons.

But, Audience Insights will help you a ton.

Especially when you're starting off.

You don't have lookalike campaigns,

you don't have a big customer base,

you don't have a big email base.

That's when you really want to look at Audience Insights.

The fifth thing I want you to do is check our connectio.io.

See, when you have some interests that you want to go after,

you know the demographics of your audience,

you could type them into connectio.io.

It'll tell you other similar categories

and the popularity of them.

That way, you can find other interests and other categories

that you should be targeting

that are related to the main one that you're already

thinking about and knowing about.

The sixth thing I want you to do

is start re-marketing your own audience.

Everyone when they're doing ads, all they think about is,

oh, how can I keep driving new people?

What I want you to do is, yes, drive new people.

Some of them will go to your check out page.

Some will go to your lead form page,

but they won't fully complete.

What I want you to do is for all the people

that land on those pages and don't complete the purchase

or don't complete filling out their information,

re-market those people, show video ads on Facebook

showing them what it would be like if they bought

your product, signed up for your service.

In other words, you're explaining the journey

and why it's awesome to work with you or your company

or buy your products or services.

What you'll find is, your landing page typically has a pitch

that's either emotional or logical.

When you're re-marketing, you can use a opposite pitch.

So, if your landing page has emotional appeal

on why they should be buying your product,

then your remarketing video should have the opposite pitch.

You can use logical information on why they should

be buying your products, your services, why it's great,

the results that other people are getting.

And then by doing this, you'll find that you'll convert

more people Because sometimes, your copy doesn't appeal

to every single person.

So, this gives you two shots at the same person

and you'll notice that this will be

our highest converting ad campaign.

So, that's it!

If you need help growing your revenue

and traffic from Facebook ads,

check out my ad agency Neil Patel Digital.

If you enjoyed this video, like it, share it leave a comment below and I'll answer it and help you out.

Thank you for watching.

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