

Actually, the topic with friends is a really challenging due to its causes. You know, friends come and go, only real ones stay but sometimes it might turn out that you just outgrow each other and you have other people in your life. So that is alright about losing friends and earning them.

The main thing in your case is moving. Moving is hard and stressful but you know that the place you will live in is full of GERMANYYYYY that you really love. You know the language and you, believe me, will find needed people for social interactions or just if you need them to help you. Yes, it is hard to be alone in another country but... You will not be alone. A lot of other people also come there alone and they fear like you, meanwhile it is all just scary but only feels scary. It is all chill and fine when you will move there, you will like to eat and travel there, maybe you will have different activities and nice teachers. You have a really important time in your life and I am so happy for you. Believe me, fear is awful at times and things can be really better. Worrying will not change anything, plus why do you think it would be bad? What makes you think so? The program is surely built the way so that you would live in safety, have food and everything, and imagine how much fun there is. About finding friends - well, it can happen if you meet a person like you who also worries about it and does not really wanna talk to those typical people. And you got me so that we will talk really much and I will support you on your way to Germany and through it too. Do not worry, please, it is really gonna be alright :D

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