

Eyram Sotome
  1. Experience tells you what factors in your load calcs are unpredictable.
  2. Experience are the things you notice when you persist in an area or direction. The gems that reveal themselves when data doesn't say everything perfectly.
  3. The accuracy of cooling load calcs in practice depends mostly on the availability of accurate information and the design engineer's judgment in choosing assumptions made to interpret the available data.
  4. Those factors have a much greater influence on a project than does the choice of a particular cooling load method.

Reduce the energy of the prep work (assumptions) will improve the results of the cooking (method) to get you a delicious plate (a considerate load calc).

Some plates (load calcs) are more delicious (use better assumptions/ingredients) than others.

The pros and cons for each method need to be weighted based on the initial assumptions.  


  • How much information can I save without understanding in 1 sitting?
  • How much knowledge can I put to use by collecting them from lists?

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