


1.Earth would arguably ensnare us in a heartbeat as the weather blew us into dust 

2.Earth is the place where human’s have lived so far, which by extension makes it our mother that came to live because of.

3.Water is a binding element of our life that streamlines every single process in the origination as well as excels our cerebral network. On top of keeping the cycle of life going.

4.Stem is the stretched out stick like stern side of a flower anchored to the roots that combined with pedals network around massives amounts of nutrients.

5.As nature is a portal to your true self and reconciliation we come in tandem with spirited tone of the environment.


Mother earth-the planet we live on

Continuiening the gift of life-breeding

mother Earth gives food and shelter to all living thing-Earth is the catalyst of all living/giver of life

she nourishes us-she raises us in her own image

reclaims our bodies after death - fuddles our corpses into fertile ground for its sustainability

contitunes the cycle of life-generates new organisms

forces of nature-climate change

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