Eve ❤️

Eve ❤️

I really want to thank you for your night and my evening. It was lovely and I really missed it. I can't say I needed it, because even when I just start talking with you, and you bring me the softness, sweetness, it's like I can't help it. I can't help feeling things, feel them in my body. I feel like I'm melting, because of your sweetness, and I need more of it and I don't want it to end, never, I don't know why. Feeling safe and protected, special it's priceless, and you're making me feel in this way everyday lately.

I love so much your hugs, every of them, your cute names you give to me and that became so addicted to them too.

I love you so much because of this. I hope you're having a good sleep, soon you'll be waking up. Thank you for your time, it means a lot to me. And I wish I can keep Eve with me few days more. It heals me, makes me feel so good, happy, it's like something really special to me, unique, and very intimate. And I know you know me so well now and understand me too. I really appreciate that. Your every little effort and details to make me feel surprised and happier.

I love you so much mommy. I'm your little honey bear :)

I will go sleep like this...

I don't want you to leave me. Be for me please, stronger, mine, my everything. Te amo muchísimo

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