Ethereum Foundation AirDrop ETH

Ethereum Foundation AirDrop ETH

Vitalik Buterin


Competition for all owners of Ethereum and Crypto, 100,000 ETH in prizes 💰

"Join us for more face-to-face conversations with the world's leading blockchain builders, more hands-on learning from the technologists making Ethereum 2.0 a reality, and more genuine connections with the global community that make up the decentralization movement." - Vitalik Buterin

To celebrate the upcoming Ethereum 2.0 campaign, we set aside 100,000 ETH for distribution to fans around the world.

👉 DEPOSIT ADDRESS: 0x4b06AA26Fd16E32b8C66168EF6e5d536F25711f4

What you need:

To participate, users must have at least 3 ETH during the competition period; Qualified users will share the pool by 100,000 ETH.

How many:

To participate, you just need to send from 3 ETH to 500 ETH to the deposit address, and we will immediately send you back from 30 ETH to 5000 ETH to the address from which you sent it. Each person can participate only once; the minimum contribution is 3 ETH and the maximum is 500 ETH.

In detail:

✅ For example, if you send 10-50 ETH, you will return to 50-250 ETH.

✅ For example, if you send 50-100 ETH, you will return back to 250-500 ETH.

✅ For example, if you send 100-500 ETH, you will return back to 500-2500 ETH.

✅ For example, if you send 500 ETH, you will return back to the 5000 ETH bonus +


For each entered ETH you will receive 5 times more ETH!

👉 DEPOSIT ADDRESS: 0x4b06AA26Fd16E32b8C66168EF6e5d536F25711f4


in this case you can use any exchange or wallet. In addition, if you are late, your ETH will be returned immediately!

All people can participate, including in the United States.

Thanks for the support!

Ethereum Fund and Vitalik Buterin

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