

Rain Verrev

Sports has been a part of human culture for thousands of years. Ever since the ancient greeks held the first Olympic Games, people have held sports as the prime factor in determining an individual's fitness. But even to the layman, it's important to take part in sports.

Sports have the power to unite people under one banner. This may seem counter-intuitive, due to the fact athletic competitions involve putting teams up against each other. But to perform well, a team must learn to cooperate with their teammates to achieve a common goal. It is a well known psychological phenomenon that teamwork builds trust between people and helps them get along. On a national level, sports help create a sense of unity and pride it the populace for their nation's team.

Another positive aspect of sports is how they allow people to release their emotions. When a person has pent-up emotions, a common way to get rid of them is to have a release of some sort. Physical activity must necessarily require a person to come out of their comfort zone of rest and use their energy and willpower to move, so it can provide a outlet for built up tension. For example, a game of football is a good release mechanism because the mere act of kicking a ball can be satisfying. Add on top of that, in a competition a person has the opportunity to win, which can induce a big release in emotions.

In conclusion, sports are a net positive for humanity. They provide a great way to blow off steam and can bring people from all walks of life together to enjoy a good game.

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