


Today's world is full of problems, one of which is the increase in crimes, committed by young people. But what causes young people to turn to the life of crime?

One of these reasons is that they have an absence of oppurtunities that most of us already have. For example, in Africa, where most of the countries are underdeveloped, many children resort to stealing because they do not have enough money to feed themselves or their family members. There is also the problem that many of them can't afford to go to school, which means that most of them start working at a very young age and without proper education, they won't know what consequences their actions will have on them and others around them.

The second reason that may cause young people to cause crime is the influence of their friends. This is also the most common reason why they commit crimes in developed countries. When your friend influences you on the idea that crime is cool and popular, then most of them do not want to stand out, and just go along with it. Some, who do not do that may lose their friends or become the target of bullies.

In conclusion, the main reason why young people start to commit crimes is that they are being influenced by their friends. It mainly depends on where you live, because in underdeveloped countries the lack of opportunities is a bigger reason for crime than the influence of their friends.

words: 250

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