

This summer, me and my father have decided to go to a trip to Europe. In our plan were five countries with eight cities. We had a lot of free time, so a agreed for this trip in a moment.

We planned to start the jounrey with traveling to Munich by plane. In our plan, we had to be there for three days. In Munich, we visited many museums, and no one of them was boring.

After that we went to a close city in Alps. There my father has a friend from school, and he, in its turn, has a hotel, where we lived. In this city we mostly were walking or cycling in mountains.There we lived for three days again. 

After our visit to this city had finished, we went to Budapest, capital of Hungary. This city is divided into two parts by river Danube, and we visited both parts of it. There we have also been for three days.

After visiting Budapest, we went to Bratislava. This city is much smaller then previous ones, so we stopped there only for two days, and it was enough for us.

The penultimate stop for us was Prague. There, as in the other cities, we did sightseeing. It was enough for us to be there for three days, and after that we turned back to Germany, but now – to Nuremberg. And after being for three days in this city, we went to Munich airport to turn back to Moscow.

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