

Aram Yeghiazaryan

Young people should have the ability to plan and organize. It's better for themselves, it's better for their families and it's better for the economy.

First, the younger generation has more access to information than any other age group in the history. Technically speaking, you can get any type of information using the internet. While the access to a lot of information is a luxury that the Beatniks couldn't afford, it comes with price. Young people should have the ability to understand what information enters their mind and what doesn't. And this skill, noticeably, requires them to have very concentrated planning and organizing skills.

Second, the abusive use of social media resulted in having a short attention span which forms one of the most important characteristics of this generation. While social media seems to have solved major communications problems, it also made one. According to various surveys, the majority of young people are having concentration issues when studying. This makes the abuse of stimulant drugs such as Adderall and Ritalin by students seem reasonable. And this is why the younger generation has the need to meditate and organize in their daily life.

Third, economy doesn't want unorganized people. Sooner or later, these young kids will start working somewhere to make the ends meet. And the last thing they'd ever want is getting fired because they failed to focus on doing their job. It's as simple as that. You can't focus, you're fired. Or on the edge of getting fired.

It is true that, historically, older generations never viewed concentration as a major issue. But, due to a rapid revolution in culture and technology, meditating and organizing became essential parts for the 21st Century men.

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