



Due to the increased use of technology , less attention is now paid to outdoor games. Children are losing their childhood because of this tech world. They are just confined to their homes and most of their time is spent in front of different gadgets and phone screen. And all these have a bad effect on the health of children. They become the victims of diseases like anxiety, hypertension, bad eyesight, back pain and obesity. So there is a high need for children to go out and develop physically, mentally and socially.

If we talk about the pros of outdoor games then the first and foremost which comes to our mind is that children get a healthy lifestyle. Their stamina is boosted by playing outdoor games . And they stay active and fit throughout the day. Outdoor games help the children to become social. When they play with their friends, they get a chance to interact with them. This also instill a sense of cooperation and coordination in them. Along with this, outdoor games give them an opportunity to come close to nature and because of this they experience peace and their state of mind also feels cool. Apart from this outdoor games make children more creative. They start thinking in different ways. So we conclude that outdoor games give us many benefits.

There are no cons of outdoor games far and wide. Yes, but parents should take care of a few things as with which company their children play. Whenever children go out for outdoor games it is the duty of the parents to go with them. Parents should take care of only these things and rest of that child should be allowed to enjoy their games.

Despite having so many benefits if you do not want to go outside for outdoor games then it will be a foolish decision. So always include outdoor games in your daily routine.

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