

From 10 to 14 June 2010, the south of Kyrgyzstan was engulfed by an interethnic conflict that claimed a large number of lives and was accompanied by massive destruction of people's property. Ethnic conflict occurred between the two peoples, Uzbeks and Kyrgyz who happened a second time. Enmity between the two nations was present for a long time, which caused great losses. There were June events after the revolution and the overthrow of the second president of the Kyrgyz Republic Kurmanbek Bakiyev who. Before, in 1990, there was bitter experience of the conflict between the two peoples, but also became the reason for the July events in 2010. The Kyrgyz and Uzbeks for many years coexisted peacefully in the south of Kyrgyzstan, practicing interethnic marriages and mingling. However, mutual discontent was closely associated with land ownership and uneven participation of representatives of both communities in the economy and politics: traditionally, Uzbeks occupied more prominent positions in the economy, and Kyrgyz in the local government. In the 1990's. land disputes led to inter-ethnic clashes, during which at least 300 people died. In June 1990, Osh was already the scene of inter-ethnic violence. Then about 4 thousand incidents were investigated, and 3,215 crimes were registered. There were about 1,500 cases, but only 300 of them were sent to court, and about 300 people were tried. As a result, only 48 people, 80% of whom were Kyrgyz, were sentenced to long terms of imprisonment for murder, attempted murder and rape, and almost all were amnestied after the independence of Kyrgyzstan. April 7, 2010 President Kurmanbek Bakiyev overthrown after popular demonstrations. The Provisional Government headed by Roza Otunbayeva took power.

But the most important question is who was to blame for the consequences of this conflict.

From the first day to July 25, Human Rights Watch staff documented the events in the south. More than 200 interviews were conducted with victims and witnesses from both sides, lawyers, human rights activists and local activists, as well as with officials of the local administration, law enforcement officers, military and prosecutorial employees. After the overthrow of President Kurmanbek Bakiyev, Roza Otunbayeva and her associates in the form of an interim government came to the board, who were fully responsible for keeping the country at a bad time for the country.

After the April events in Bishkek, which led to the overthrow of President Kurmanbek Bakiyev, this mutual discontent emerged in the conditions of power weakness and changes in the political conjuncture. The Provisional Government, in need of allies, made a bid on the Uzbek community, which took advantage of this to declare its political ambitions. The prospect of a mass influx of Uzbeks to power in the south began to irritate many Kyrgyz, and at the end of April-May this year, tension began to build between the two communities, accompanied by separate skirmishes.

The ethnic conflict that took place the second time, the first of which was in 1990 and the last in 2010. This conflict has caused a great loss of people, both civilian and military, during these few days there was no order and many rights were infringed.

The July events that suffered great losses of people and damages in a large amount of money are to blame for the Provisional Government. The main reason is that the interim government ignored the then functioning mayoralty and state institutions, which eventually led to a violent conflict between the Kyrgyz and Uzbeks.


After the April events in 2010 that led to the overthrow of the second president of the Kyrgyz Republic Kurmanbek Bakiyev, the main reason for which these events were allowed was the unpreparedness of law enforcement agencies to act in time, due to the large number of protesters, the authorities failed to tidy up the situation, numerous vandals in shopping centers, shops as well as state institutions, for example, burned the building of the prosecutor's office in the square.

After the events in the country, for a while power was weak, which became one of the reasons for the conflict in the south of the country. This mutual discontent came out in the conditions of power weakness and changes in the political conjuncture. A weak government could take action to prevent this situation, but this did not happen.

The interim government did not want to incur the burden of guilt, so they Supporters of the interim government of Kyrgyzstan began to search for a certain Black Aibek, who is believed to be involved in the organization of the riots in Jalal-Abad. According to Batyrov, representatives of the interim government received information that Black Aibek armed people to seize the building of the regional administration. The former deputy also said that this person was in contact with one of the brothers of the former president of Kyrgyzstan, Akhmat Bakiyev.

Speaking about the Black Aibek, the deputy probably meant a certain Aibek Mirsidikov - a man with a criminal background, known by this nickname.

In 2006, he was released from prison for health reasons. Black Aibek, as the agency noted, is also known for demonstrative attacks on police officers.

On May 13, supporters of the deposed president seized administrative buildings in two regional centers - Jalalabad and Osh. The next morning supporters of the new government repulsed these buildings from the invaders. At the same time in Jalalabad, the confrontation between Kurmanbek Bakiyev's supporters and opponents resulted in armed clashes in which dozens of people were wounded.

Later, police and riot police together with volunteers from the supporters of the interim government arranged a "sweep" in the village of Teyit - the village of Bakiyev in the Jalalabad region. In this village, as reported, the alleged organizers of the riots retreated. True, the instigators of the riot there in the end did not find.

While in the village, supporters of the new government set fire to several houses belonging to the Bakiyev family.

Kyrgyz authorities claim that the May 13-14 riots were organized by representatives of Bakiyev's entourage, who planned to stage a coup d'état.  

Provisional government was mistaken and they was not responsible for their actions, and they tried to  blame their fault to other reasons rather than to say that it was their fault.

The second reason for the fact that the interim government was to blame for the July events, needing allies, made a bid on the Uzbek community, which took advantage of this to declare its political ambitions. The prospect of a mass influx of Uzbeks to power in the south began to irritate many Kyrgyz, and at the end of April-May this year, tension began to build between the two communities, accompanied by separate skirmishes. Most of them Uzbeks did not occupy state duties, law enforcement bodies consisted only of Kyrgyz, tax service, etc. In their demands, the Uzbeks wanted to get jobs in public services. Unequivocally, such a requirement did not appeal to residents of the southern part of the country, in particular Kyrgyz, and this caused another reason for this conflict. Also, many TV channels in the city of Osh were under the control of the Uzbek community, and before the events began, several days on the air of the head of the Uzbek community discussed further actions and their demands, which was unacceptable to a certain extent.  So interim government wasn't able to control and started working with Uzbeks which i think was mistake. They were thinking about themselves , how to legalize their own. It was not the main problem at that time, conflict should have been prevented.

The third reason was the inactivity of the provisional authorities and the ignoring of the local authorities in Osh, the conflict in the Osh was being prepared for several months and rumors were going on about it for a very long time. Repeatedly authorities tried to contact the interim government and sent letters, but in return they received disregard. The mayor of Osh personally personally tried to contact and report the situation to prevent conflict. But the interim government was concerned only with legalizing itself in a certain period of time. The reason for this was the distrust of the provisional government of the local government of the city of Osh, there were suspicions that they were people of the former president of the country Kurmanbek Bakiyev, who was actively supported in the south of the country.

After some time Kurmanbek Bakiyev was forced to leave the country, I left the country at the most convenient moment. Such irresponsible behavior on the part of the authorities at this time led to great losses, both financially and morally, for the residents of the south of the country, where in a certain period of time there was no law and many rights were infringed, not to mention the numerous losses on both sides.

Inactivity was one of the main reasons for the emergence of this conflict, a lot of research was conducted by NGOs that tried to establish the cause of the conflict.

At the conclusion i want to say that    the government was the main culprit of the ethnic conflict between the Kyrgyz and Uzbeks. All the facts came to the fact that in the southern part of the country a conflict, the proximity of two peoples may begin, the structure of the city of Osh was such that it was in the center of a city inhabited by different peoples, but in the northern part there lived a large Kyrgyz village, and in the southern part there was a village Uzbeks, land conflicts that had to be resolved long ago, as this was the reason for the conflict in 1990, weak power played a role in the origin of the conflict, as well as resentment and anger from two sides, and the provisional government in turn pushed the beginning to nflikta.

The weak government after the April revolution only came to, that played a significant role in the beginning of the conflict between the two peoples. The Provisional Government should not have relaxed, but it should be competently and strategically to act to prevent this conflict before the beginning.

The predisposition of the interim government to the Uzbek community and the concession by the provisional government in the form of different things is how to enable the Uzbeks to work in public services that was not previously possible for them. In turn, the Uzbeks also played a role in the fact that they began to declare their demands on the channels of the southern part of the country their demands and discussions.

The inaction and total disregard of the interim government was a huge mistake, as rumors repeatedly reached, and numerous attempts by local authorities in the southern part of the country were hopeless since the interim government thought that all people were bought and on the side of the deposed president Kurmanbek Bakiyev, were afraid that the South the country will go against the interim government. This was the main mistake due to which the conflict between the two communities began. The events of 2010 should not be repeated: people understand how sad the consequences are, and the authorities have taken steps to change the situation. Indeed, in fact, power in the south was criminalized. After the personnel reshuffles, the leadership of the south is under relative control of the central government. This makes it possible to manage the situation. But the problem is that the authorities are still uncontrollable to the public. Many decisions are made behind the scenes, without the knowledge of the population. People do not have enough information about what is happening. Efforts of government officials do not say that they can effectively manage. They do not have methods for resolving a conflict situation.

The events of 2010 are a struggle for power. And people now understand this. They were simply fooled. Those who raised the banner of nationalism are ordinary corrupt officials. They "heated their hands" on nationalist slogans, and ordinary people suffered.

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