


короче надо взять тему по которой есть много точек зрения (но желательно чтобы 2 противоположные выделялись, за и против типа), в первом абзаце ты пишешь о самой проблеме, типа вот она существует и есть 2 стороны, во 2 абзаце пишешь своё мнение, + 2-3 аргумента, в 3 абзаце пишешь про противоположное мнение (многие люди думают иначе: ... ) и 1-2 аргумента в их пользу, в 4 абзаце ты пишешь почему ты с ними не соглашаешься (I dont agree with this opinion because) и опровергаешь их аргументы, а в 5 абзаце In conclusion I'd like to say that

Сочинение должно научить человека формулировать свои мысли, должно учить человека доносить свою мысль при помощи слов на бумаге. Задумка хорошая, реализация дно.

время нет, тема по книге, которую ты ненавидишь


Nowadays many teachers make their students write essays. They think that writing an essay teaches them how to formulate one’s thoughts. By the way, I think the other way – they only train to “pour water” in their texts.

In my opinion, people who thinks so are wrong. Yes, teachers who do this pursue righteous and virtuous goals. But in fact not only do not they develop their lexicon or vocabulary, as a matter of fact they bring up one of the opposite terrible quality – verbiage. First, teachers want students to write a certain number of words – 300. What do students do? They give inappropriate examples and arguments, and they try to squeeze out of them as much words as possible to match the required amount.

On the one hand, people who are of the opinion that writing an essay believes that it makes students think about some problem and by that, they practice in formulating their thoughts, it makes them to develop their eloquence. In theory student learns to communicate his thoughts by words on paper. But practice shows us the opposite effect.

On the other hand, I do not agree with this opinion, because limited in time and theme he writes anything in order not to get a bad mark. Actually, it is hard for young people to ponder over problems they do not admit problem set actual for them. Besides, student have to stick to teacher’s opinion to increase his chance to get a good one. After all, we can see that not only do not students learn to communicate but also they do not produce any ideas on the problem.

On the whole, I would like to say that you could abuse extra examples and provide excess and superfluous illustrations to accomplish pointless target of 300 words.

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