

Telegraph error: PAGE_SAVE_FAILED

Error: Telegraph error: PAGE_SAVE_FAILED
at publish (file:///app/src/services/telegraph.js:85:11)
at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:97:5)
at async Promise.all (index 2)
at async Object.fromItunes [as itunes] (file:///app/src/links.js:131:3)
at async file:///app/src/bot.js:62:32
{"entityToMatch":{"name":"The Patient","id":1474185650,"url":"","album":"Lateralus","type":"track","artist":"TOOL","provider":"itunes","cover":"","coverSmall":""},"entity":{"type":"track","id":1474185650,"links":{"yandex":"","genius":"","spotify":"","youtube":"","songlink":"","youtubeMusic":"","tidal":"","pandora":"$$ios_deeplink_path=pandorav4%3A%2F%2Fbackstage%2Ftrack%3Ftoken%3DTR%3A20551631&$android_deeplink_path=pandorav4%3A%2F%2Fbackstage%2Ftrack%3Ftoken%3DTR%3A20551631","napster":"","itunes":"","googleStore":"","googleplay":"","deezer":"","amazonStore":"","amazonMusic":""},"url":"","name":"The Patient","year":2001,"album":"Lateralus","artist":"TOOL","artists":["Tool"],"provider":"itunes","cover":"","coverSmall":"","lyrics":{"text":"A groan of tedium escapes me\nStartling the fearful\nIs this a test? It has to be\nOtherwise, I can't go on\nDraining patience, drain vitality\nThis paranoid, paralyzed vampire act's a little old\n\nBut I'm still right here\nGiving blood, keeping faith\nAnd I'm still right here\nBut I'm still right here\nGiving blood, keeping faith\nAnd I'm still right here\n\nWait it out\nGonna wait it out\nWait it out (Be patient)\n\nIf there were no rewards to reap\nNo loving embrace to see me through\nThis tedious path I've chosen here\nI certainly would've walked away by now\nGonna wait it out\n\nIf there were no desire to heal\nThe damaged and broken met along\nThis tedious path I've chosen here\nI certainly would've walked away by now\n\nAnd I still may\nI still may\nBe patient\nBe patient\nBe patient\nI must keep reminding myself of this\nI must keep reminding myself of this\nI must keep reminding myself of this\nI must keep reminding myself of this\n\nIf there were no rewards to reap\n(I must keep reminding myself of this)\nNo loving embrace to see me through\n(I must keep reminding myself of this)\nThis tedious path I've chosen here\n(I must keep reminding myself of this)\nI certainly would've walked away\n(I must keep reminding myself of this)\n\nBy now\nAnd I still may\nAnd I still may\nAnd I still may\nAnd I'm\nGonna wait it out\nGonna wait it out\nWait it out\nGonna wait it out","provider":"Genius","url":""},"label":"Volcano Entertainment II","videos":[{"cover":"","url":"","title":"The Patient","embed":"<iframe src=\"//;wmode=opaque\" frameborder=\"0\" scrolling=\"no\" allowfullscreen=\"1\" aria-label=\"Video\"/>"}],"artistsLinks":[{"name":"Tool","links":[{"title":"","href":"","type":"official"},{"title":"ToolMusic/","href":"","type":"social","socialNetwork":"facebook"},{"title":"channel/UCi90ysekjR9KtOM9924B09A","href":"","type":"social","socialNetwork":"youtube"},{"title":"tool/","href":"","type":"social","socialNetwork":"twitter"},{"title":"tooltheband/","href":"","type":"social","socialNetwork":"instagram"}]}],"description":{"text":"This song is written from the perspective of MJK’s mother. She has been paralyzed since 1976. In this song we see his mother battling not only with herself, her illness and the way it affects the ones she loves (referred to in the beginning) as ‘the fearful’ but also her faith.\n\nIn the song there are multiple instances where she questions what’s happening to her and God’s masterplan and how it can be that this is the path that was chosen for her.\n\nHis mother being paralyzed is a recurring theme for MJK and can also be heard about in 10,000 Days (Wings pt. 2) and Wings For Marie (Part 1).","md":"This song is written from the perspective of MJK's mother. She has been paralyzed since 1976. In this song we see his mother battling not only with herself, her illness and the way it affects the ones she loves (referred to in the beginning) as 'the fearful' but also her faith. \n\nIn the song there are multiple instances where she questions what's happening to her and God's masterplan and how it can be that this is the path that was chosen for her. \n\nHis mother being paralyzed is a recurring theme for MJK and can also be heard about in 10,000 Days (Wings pt. 2) and Wings For Marie (Part 1).","html":"<p>This song is written from the perspective of MJK’s mother. She has been paralyzed since 1976. In this song we see his mother battling not only with herself, her illness and the way it affects the ones she loves (referred to in the beginning) as ‘the fearful’ but also her faith.</p>\n\n<p>In the song there are multiple instances where she questions what’s happening to her and God’s masterplan and how it can be that this is the path that was chosen for her.</p>\n\n<p>His mother being paralyzed is a recurring theme for MJK and can also be heard about in 10,000 Days (Wings pt. 2) and Wings For Marie (Part 1).</p>"},"genres":["Alternative Metal","Progressive Metal","Progressive Rock","Rock"],"writers":["Adam Jones","Justin Chancellor","Danny Carey","Maynard James Keenan"],"producers":["David Bottrill","Tool"]}}

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