

Request failed with status code 403

Error: Request failed with status code 403
at createError (/app/node_modules/axios/lib/core/createError.js:16:15)
at settle (/app/node_modules/axios/lib/core/settle.js:17:12)
at IncomingMessage.handleStreamEnd (/app/node_modules/axios/lib/adapters/http.js:237:11)
at IncomingMessage.emit (events.js:327:22)
at endReadableNT (_stream_readable.js:1224:12)
at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:84:21)
{"entityToMatch":{"name":"I Wander","id":1519318936,"url":"","album":"I Wander - Single","type":"track","artist":"Real Lies","provider":"itunes","cover":"","coverSmall":""},"entity":{"provider":"itunes","links":{"telegraph":"","genius":"","youtube":"","songlink":"","youtubeMusic":"","yandex":"","tidal":"","spotify":"","soundcloud":"","pandora":"$$ios_deeplink_path=pandorav4%3A%2F%2Fbackstage%2Ftrack%3Ftoken%3DTR%3A33273405&$android_deeplink_path=pandorav4%3A%2F%2Fbackstage%2Ftrack%3Ftoken%3DTR%3A33273405","napster":"","itunes":"","googleStore":"","googleplay":"","deezer":"","amazonStore":"","amazonMusic":""},"url":"","id":1519318936,"name":"I Wander","artist":"Real Lies","cover":"","coverSmall":"","artists":["Real Lies","M. T. Hadley"],"lyrics":{"text":"In the days before the curfew came I wander, dissolute\nThrough the pressure and the noise of this city we pollute\nOut into cherry blossom and the fresh-cut grass\nFaces in bay windows tapping at the glass\nI feel the sting of springtime pollen when it hits\nTakes me back to summer mornings with that pill taste in my sinuses\nIt’s the easy magic of the A to B\nIt’s funny how it takes on a new poignancy\nI drip in the thick wetness of the sights and sounds\nCall in at the Crown, a little Motown, where’s your lockdown now?\nThе simple joys of getting out, doing the rounds\nSeeing streetlights shiver on in a new part of town\n\nStreets of sound of mind, I've gotta find, I wander\nTurning round to see no odyssey no longer\n\nAll the best ones sound like longing\nThat’s what she said\nI can’t shift the noise of Boys of Summer from my head\nNow the city’s like a film set where they’ve upped and gone\nThe sirens sing their lonely karaoke songs\nI push the blues down through my boots into the earth below\nDrumming up the ghosts I cherish most to dance the lonely roads\nWanna wander through the bloodshot whites of hot-wired eyes\nThe shivering grey violence, UK Friday nights\n\nStreets of sound of mind, I've gotta find, I wander\nTurning round to see no odyssey no longer\n\nNow it’s just me and my memories, city streets are empty\nPhantom frequency, FM MD 20/20\nFaded flag up on a balcony in front of me\nHanging out with only yesterdays for company\nFirst-time callers reach an anxious pitch\nQueuing for a pack of matches as they’re scratching that Blitz spirit itch\nWhere’s your lockdown now?\nWhere’s your lockdown now?\nWhere's your lockdown now?\n\nStreets of sound of mind, I gotta find, I wander\nTurning round to see no odyssey no longer","provider":"Genius","url":""},"album":"I Wander - Single","year":2020,"genres":["Pop"],"writers":["Patrick King","Kevin Kharas"],"producers":[],"type":"track"}}

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