

Mala @makqeu

What does Eros mean?

Eros, erotic love

The term eros is taken from the name of the Greek god of love and fertility. Therefore, it is usually associated with romantic, passionate, and physical love. This type of love includes the sensation of passion and sexual desire.

Cupid, always played a role in the celebration of love in ancient history. In ancient Greece he was known as Eros, the youngest son of Aphrodite, who is the goddess of love and beauty. Among the Romans, he is called Cupid, and his mother is Venus.

Eros membantu manusia maupun dewa dalam urusan percintaan. Anak panahnya tidak akan meleset, hati yang tertembus olehnya akan dipenuhi oleh cinta. Dia adalah dewa percintaan dengan gairah mesum.

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