English Grammar

English Grammar

AB- Researcher & Editor

English Grammar

1. Walking is a good exercise. I came to that from our drill teacher. I decided to come to school on foot. The distance from my house to school is long. ( Single Sentence)

Ans. When I came to know from our drill teacher that walking is a good exercise I decided to come to school on foot though the distance from my house to school is long. playing with your brother.

2. I was on my way to school. I met Robin on the street. He was This was on Friday last. (Join into a single sentence)

• Ans. Last Friday on my way to school on the street I met Robin who was playing with your brother.

3. My uncle had been to Dacca. He came back yesterday. He has brought gifts for all of us. All the gifts are very attractive. (Join into a single sentence)

• Ans. My uncle had been to Dacca and he came back yesterday with very attractive gifts for all of us. 

4. There was a market at Raghunathpur. We wanted to buy some vegetables. We went to the market. We found the vegetables to be fresh and cheap. (Join into a single sentence) 

• Ans. As we wanted to buy some vegetables, we went to the market at Raghunathpur and found the vegetables to be cheap and fresh. The policemen were tall and healthy.

5. The Chief Minister went back to the protected area. The Chief Secretary also did the same. They were escorted by twenty policemen. (Join into a single sentence) 

• Ans. Being escorted by twenty tall and healthy policemen the Chief Minister as well as the Chief Secretary went back to the protected area.

6. I was bathing in the pool. I sank into the water. I felt a great fear. I cannot describe that fear.

(Join into a single sentence)  •Ans. While bathing in the pool I sank into the water, and I felt an indescribable fear.

7. I was playing badminton with my brother. We were playing in front of our house. Suddenly it began to rain. It drove us inside the house. (Join the sentences) •  Ans. As I was playing badminton with my brother in front of our house, suddenly it began to rain and it drove us inside the house. 

8. I heard a loud noise. It was coming from the direction of the market. I at once rushed towards the market. I wanted to know what had happened (Join the sentences) 

• Ans. While coming from the direction of the market I heard a loud noise, and I at once rushed towards it to know what had happened. 

9. The evening mist rose. He came to the cave. He drew breath. He looked down the valley. (Join the sentences)

• Ans: As the evening mist rose  he came to the cave, drew breath and looked down the valley.

10. I held the card tight in my hand. I hurried to a lonely corner of the ship. I started reading it. I started reading it. My head record. (Join the Sentences)

• Ans. Holding the card tight in my hand I hurried to a lonely corner of the ship, and as I started reading it, my head reeled.

11. It was evening. Rahim entered the hut. He saw the

sparrows. They were twittering. (Join into a Complex Sentence) 

• Ans. When Rahim Khan entered the hut in the evening, he saw that the sparrows were twittering. 

12. History tells us of King Harshavardhana. He was extremely generous. He Gave away his all to the poor. He was held in high esteem (Join into a Complex Sentence) 

• Ans. History tells us that King Harshavardhana, who was extremely generous, was held in high esteem because he gave away his all to the poor.

13. Archaisms are words and expressions like 'eftsoons', verily', 'peradventure'. They were at one time current English. They are no longer part of the living language.

(Join into a Complex Sentence)  

• Ans. Although archaisms meaning words and expressions like "eftsoons', 'verily', 'peradventure' were at one time correct English, they are no longer part of living language.


#English #Grammar


21.08.2020, Friday

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