English Grammar

English Grammar

EL24 World

• Voice Change

1. Did you take my assistance?

2. I saw him at Rahim's place.

3. Germany had invaded Poland in 1939.

4. Father has not given me the idea.

5. It may give you a nice reward.

6. What did she know?

7. Prof. Sen gave us a valuable suggestion for the exam.

8. Does he take his breakfast after 9 in the morning?

9. I was looking at the great reeling snake.

10. The politicians were caught by the police.

11. I lent him a book of Knowledge.

12. I prepared the dinner for the guests.

13. Do not forget the rules.

14. Was I not being called by one of my friends?

15. I had to write the letter to the Authority.

16. She reported against the person.

• Right Form of the Verb

🖥 File no 13,543

📋 1. Are you.... in stamp collecting? (interest)

📋 2. It is.... how soon the weather has changed (surprise )

📋 3. The children were.... at the prespect of going for a holiday. (excite)

📋 4. We were all.... at news of his success. (surprise)

📋 5. Our visitors had some.... stories to tell about foreign parts. ( interest )

📋 6. The skill of the magician was.... (astonish)

📋 7. His audience were.... at the tricks he performed (astonish ). 📋 8. That must have been a.... experience. ( terrify)

📋 9. The speaker held his audience.... for over an hour. (interest)

📋 10. His friends were.... by the news of his sudden death. (shock)

• Narration Change

🖥 File 12,651

1. She said to me ," I like watching India and Australia Cricket match".

2. I said to her," Why do you like red colour ?"

3. She said to me," Are you stupid ?"

4. I said to her father,"Are you ill?"

5. "Bring me the car",She said to me.

6. I said,"Do you know him properly?"

7. She said," What a tall boy you are !"

8. The students said," It's a holiday".

9. We said,"We must learn from our previous mistakes".

10. Ratan said,"We will win".

11. She said to me," I have won the scholarship "

12. The teacher says," Human being can not live only by eating and sleeping".

13. "Rose smells sweet", I said

14. I said to him," I went there."

15. She said to me," I had been waiting for you for two hours."

16. I said," You have completed this task."

17. Jessy said to Harley," May I borrow your book?"

18. I said to my teacher," Good morning, sir."

19. Mona said to me," You know help me a lot. "

20. I said, " I am unhappy now"

• Story Writing ✍

• A Farmer and His Sons

A Farmer and His Sons Once, an old farmer lived in a village. He had three sons. They often quarreled among themselves for nothing. The farmer was very worried about their wild manners. He frequently advised them not to quarrel, but they paid no heed to his advice. One day, the farmer fell seriously ill with little hope of recovery. He decided to teach his sons the lesson of unity. He asked them to fetch a bundle of sticks. They brought the bundle in less than no time. He then asked them if any one of them could break it. His sons accepted his challenge. First, the youngest son tried his best to break it but could not. Then came forward the elder son, but tried in vain to break it. At last, the eldest son stepped forward angrily to break it but to no break this, the old farmer ask untie the bundle and break the sticks one by one. They did it easily. The father succeeded in making his sons realize that the sticks were strong when they were tied together but were easily breakable separate. He told them that, they would be strong if they were united, but individually they could be defeated easily. His sons accepted the advice of their father and promised not to quarrel in future. 

✅ Moral :

1. Majority is an authority

2. Unity is a shield against defeat

3. Union is strength

4. Two and two make four

5. Unite we stand, devide we fall

• Writing 💧

• Water Pollution Paragraph: 

Water is a very important element of human environment. It is an essential element of nature because it saves all kinds of lives on earth. Clean water is healthful but polluted water is very harmful. Nowadays, water pollution is one of the serious problems that humanity face. Water pollution refers to the contamination of water by filth, waste or other substance. It can be polluted in many ways. Water is polluted by using chemical fertilizer and various insecticides in the land when they washed away by rain or flood. Mills and factories throw their wast products into rivers and canals and thus pollute water. Again motor launches, steamers polluted water by throwing oil, food waste and human waste. Another aspect is, polluting the underground water by arsenic. By drinking this polluted water, we often get sick and many even die. So, we must prevent water pollution at any cost. Water can be purified by boiling it and using purifying tablets. All concerned must be conscious to keep water free from pollution. Government should take comprehensive programme to check water pollution. Above all, for a healthier and happier life, massive awareness must be created against water pollution.

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