English Grammar

English Grammar

AB: Editor & Researcher  

English Grammar/ File 2 (Make sentence/ Voice change/ Narration change/ Preposition)

1. Bless, Happy/ Star, Rain/ Lost, Unhappy/ Secret, Result/ Invade, Thrown/ Inactive, Start

Voice Change:

1. The proposal was given to me by my friend.

2. Why do you change your plan immediately?

3. I was being helped by one of my friends.

4. He made a noise of depreciation.

5. Many children are playing football in the field.

Narration Change:
  1. He said to us, "I am working out now".

2. Grandma says," It is a wrong idea".

3. The teacher said," Sing the national anthem".

4. He said," Where do you put the box? "

5. I said to my friend," Have you read the story? "


1. Did you cut the fruit ...... hand? 

2. Napoleon was a great emperor...... France.

 3. I became very happy....... solve the problem. 4. He sat .......the blazing fire.

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