English Grammar

English Grammar

AB: Editor & Researcher  

English Grammar| Preposition

1. Regular exercise is beneficial -------------- health.

2. He is bent ---------------------- mischief.

3. We must be grateful for the blessings God has bestowed --------------- us.

4. He is a hypocrite. Beware --------------him.

5. She boasts -----------her achievements.

6. The indulgent mother is blind ------------ her son's faults.

7. He was born -----------poor parents.

8. The ship is bound --------------- California.

9. The robbers broke ------------------- the shop at midnight and looted it.

10. Emperor Akbar brought --------- many social reforms.

11. They brought ------------------ the child tenderly.

12. Do not brood --------------------- past failures.

13. He is busy -------------------- his studies.

14. On the way, we called ----------- a friend's house.

15. This award calls ---------- a celebration.

16. The headmaster has called ---------- an explanation from the boy.

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English Grammar

Originally Published 04.04.2020, Saturday

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