English Grammar

English Grammar

AB: Editor & Researcher 

English Grammar/File 21 (1-15 Voice change )

1. He has utterly made him fool. 

2. We are taught History by our teacher.

3. I saw someone running through the forest.

4. Did you see the bright star in the sky yesterday?

5. No one was listening to the lecture.

6. The members of the club make the new rules.

7. She will bring the book for me tomorrow.

8. Have you ever created such plan?

9. I never saw such a commotion.

10. You may not forget the day for the time being.

11. She did not understand the meaning of the last sentence.

12. He has to begin his work now.

13. How did you express your thoughts amongst so many people.

14. I was surprised by my friends really.

15. The line was beautifully drawn by my sister.

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