Children with disabilities WISH YOU A HAPPY NEW YEAR

Children with disabilities WISH YOU A HAPPY NEW YEAR

National Agency for Social Protection

On the eve of 2024, the illustrations of children with disabilities expressing the New Year's mood were used to develop the design of "New Year's greeting cards"

More than 500 children with various diseases, aged 3 to 20, from all regions of our republic participated in the creative competition.

Bukhara MURUVVAT boarding house
Kurgantepa MURUVVAT boarding house
Kumkorgan MURUVVAT boarding house
Saparboyev Ulugbek, an individual student at general education school No. 20,
Gurlan district, Khorezm region

More than 700 pictures were sent by students of "Muruvat" boarding houses, pupils of private houses, inclusive classes, specialized boarding schools and kindergartens, students studying at home, and visitors to the rehabilitation center "Imkon".

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