

The Office. S.2.Ep.3.
  1. Take your pants off, run around. Сними штаны.
  2. I'm just going to take a nap in my car till work starts. Okay. Вздремнуть.
  3. Every so often, Jim dies of boredom. Время от времени Джим умирает от скуки.
  4. You see Dwight's coffee mug. Кружка.
  5. Nothing fancy, not my style. Ничего необычного.
  6. Okay, we will be competing for gold, silver and bronze yogurt lids. Крышечки.
  7. The ceilings are lower than they were last week. Потолки.
  8. We're friends. Apparently. Видимо.
  9. It was nice of him to offer, but I live in a nine-bedroom farmhouse. Предложить.
  10. And it's under the porch. Крыльцо.
  11. Notify the athletes. Оповести.

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