Sainul Abid




1. Plural form of ‘belief’ is:

(a) believes

(b) beliefs

(c) beliefes

(d) belief

Ans: (b) beliefs

2. Plural form of ‘terminus’ is:

(a) terminal

(b) terminuse

(c) terminii

(d) terminus

Ans: (a) terminal

3. Plural form of ‘ox’ is:

(a) oxes

(b) ox

(c) oxen

(d) none of these

Ans: (c) oxen

4. Plural form of ‘dwarf’ is:

(a) dwarf

(b) dwarfs

(c) dwarevs

(d) dwarfes

Ans: (b) dwarfs

5. Plural form of ‘sheaf’ is:

(a) sheafs

(b) sheaves

(c) sheafes

(d) sheaf

Ans: (b) sheaves

6. Everybody has a bad back, _____?

(a) Have they?

(b) Don’t they?

(c) Hasn’t he?

(d) None of these

Ans: (b) Don’t they?

7. Let me ask him, _____?

(a) will he?

(b) shall we?

(c) will you?

(d) Shall I?

Ans: (c) will you?

8. Have some more rice. _________?

(a) will you?

(b) haven’t you?

(c) can’t you?

(d) do you?

Ans: (a) will you?

9. You oght to help your brother. _______?

(a) shouldn’t you?

(b) ought you?

(c) can’t you?

(d) none of these

Ans: (a) shouldn’t you?

10. He used to go there, _______?

(a) usedn’t he?

(b) didn’t he?

(c) did he?

(d) none of these

Ans: (b) didn’t he?


11. Measles that ____ fast can be cured

(a) spread

(b) spreads

(c) spreading

(d) have spread

Ans: (b) spreads

12. The jury ____ in their opinion

(a) has divided

(b) has been divided

(c) divided

(d) are divided

Ans: (d) are divided

13. A pair of pants _____ for my son.

(a) has bought

(b) has been bought

(c) have been bought

(d) are bought

Ans: (b) has been bought

14. Where _____ the gentry of this town?

(a) are

(b) is

(c) has been

(d) have

Ans: (a) are

15. My grandfather and guardian ___ dead.

(a) has

(b) are

(c) is

(d) have

Ans: (c) is

16. John Byred intended ______ television

(a) a

(b) the

(c) an

(d) No article needed

Ans: (b) the

17. He works in ______ Calicut University

(a) a

(b) the

(c) an

(d) No article needed

Ans: (d) No article needed

18. This race will be ___ ultimate test of your skill.

(a) a

(b) an

(c) the

(d) No article needed

Ans: (c) the

19. The lecturer is going to ______ school now.

(a) an

(b) a

(c) the

(d) No article needed

Ans: (c) the

20. Redwine gives me _______ headache

(a) an

(b) a

(c) the

(d) No article needed

Ans: (b) a


21. Before the first world war, he ____ the army.

(a) joined

(b) had joined

(c) has joined

(d) was joined

Ans: (b) had joined

22. He ____ working as lecturer when he got IAS.

(a) was

(b) had been

(c) were

(d) have been

Ans: (b) had joined

23. When you called me, I ______

(a) have been driving

(b) was driving

(c) had been driving

(d) none of these

Ans: (b) was driving

24. By the time you come back, the work ______

(a) will finish

(b) will have finished

(c) will be finished

(d) will have been finished

Ans: (d) will have been finished

25. This is the second time, I _____ Kerala.

(a) visited

(b) have visited

(c) would visit

(d) had visited

Ans: (b) have visited

26. Passive voice of ‘Somebody has informed the police’ is:

(a) the police have been informed

(b) the police has been informed by someboy

(c) the police has been informed

(d) the police is informed by somebody

Ans: (a) the police have been informed

27. Passive voice of ‘open the door’ is:

(a) Let open the door be

(b) Let the door be opened

(c) Let be the door opened

(d) shall the door be opened

Ans: (b) Let the door be opened

28. Passive voice of ‘why did he not inform her’ ?

(a) why wasn’t she informed by him

(b) why was her not informed by him

(c) why was she not informed by him

(d) why she was not informed by him

Ans: (c) why was she not informed by him

29. Active voice of ‘the thief was arrested’ is

(a) somebody has arrested the thief

(b) the police has arrested the thief

(c) the police was arrested the thief

(d) the police arrested the thief

Ans: (d) the police arrested the thief

30. Passive voice of ‘who has bought the tickets’ ?

(a) By whom have been the tickets bought

(b) By whom the tickets have been bought

(c) who was the tickets been bought by

(d) By whom have the tickets been bought

Ans: (d) By whom have the tickets been bought

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