

He wants us to be next to the state

Next to an infidel Christian state

Peace be upon you, O Lord Jesus Christ, be with you

Today I would like to share with you a very important topic

Look, as I said

The woman

Palestinian, may God bless her life

Believe me, I am

I was born in Yemen and raised in a family

Muslim and I know how

In Yemen they hate

Christians and Jews and how they pray

For Yemen

Judaism is a curse

I am a Christian now

God purified us and I became

Christian, I don't get involved in politics

I do not enter into wars

I declare Jesus Christ to be the Savior

The only one and the many

People think that I am an agent

For Israel and Masad

I don't enter at all, I have no relationship with Israel

I love Muslims

Palestinians loved Yemenis

Also the Jews prayed

It is our God Jesus Christ who saves them

They must truly repent

Here in this Bible

The Old Testament, the Torah and the New Testament

Which is the Gospel, this is one book, the book of Christians

And here in

Genesis said the Lord Jesus Christ

Jehovah is God. And the Lord said to Abraham

Abraham, leave your land and your clan

And your father's house and go to the land

Which I show you, then I will make of you his mother

Great, blessed and great

May your name be a blessing to many

And I bless those who bless you

May I curse your eyes and you will be blessed

For all nations of the earth

Now as I watched this video

How is this even a given?

Respected, may God bless her life

The conclusion may be hatred in race

With blood with blood

This means that you hate Christians, so they are atonement

For them it means become

In the blood, she said, “I wish.”

She lives in a country

We are Christian infidels

For them, we are infidels

We pretend it doesn't

Peace and love

Fill your hearts unless

Really repent and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ

I invite you to return to the Lord Jesus Christ

O Palestinians, return to the Lord Jesus Christ

O Israelites, return to the Lord Jesus Christ

Oh Yemenis

I'm in my country here

Decades of war

O Christians, none of you stand up

With Yemen

And today you seem to blame

Because I speak the truth and I speak from the Bible

He announced Christ to Palestine

He announced the Messiah to Israel

I say Palestine to Christ

And Israel belongs to Christ

This is great hypocrisy, Christians

They took us out of the groups

Cancel the friend request is very normal

I don't get involved in politics

But if you look at this fact

At this level you are free

I see this blindly

This is blindness and not reality

Because I follow the Bible

And what the Bible said, I say to everyone

Without being ashamed, even if it costs us

If I lose the whole world because...

What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world?

And he lost himself

I gained my soul, I gained the Lord Jesus Christ

King of the heavens and earth

If I lost all my followers for the sake of truth

This thing doesn't matter

I will declare the truth

I don't take sides

Do not be partial, Lord Jesus Christ. Say, “Do not be cautious.”

I pray for the Palestinians

Those who hate and wish for death

And the Yemenis who hate and wish for death

I pray for the Israelis as well as the Jews

Because God loves them

He also loves the Palestinians, the Muslims, and the Yemenis

Please, without any hypocrisy, without any Islamic influence on you, Christians

In the Christian self, without any Islamic influence or Islamic culture that influenced you, O Arab Christians

Unfortunately, even Christians in Europe were influenced by Islamic culture

I call on you to stand firm in the truth

Stand firm in the Lord Jesus Christ

Be strong in the Lord

Hold on to the Lord Jesus Christ

Because Jesus Christ is the foundation, our followers are the rock

He is the living God

Yesterday is the Old Testament and the New Testament

It is yesterday, today and forever

May you rest in the Lord Jesus Christ

Hold on to the Lord Jesus Christ

Because Jesus Christ is the way, the truth, and the life

Don't take any side

What makes us understand that he says that he is an agent of the Lord Jesus Christ

I am a servant of the Lord

I am from the intelligence of Jesus Christ


Glory to you, Lord Jesus Christ

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