


1. She never visited her grandparents, ________

A) didn’t she?

B) did she?

C) is she?

D) won’t she?

Correct Option : B

2. If you had gone there in time, __________

A) You would have met them

B) you would meet them

C) you will meet them

D) you can meet them

Correct Option : A

3. Change into reported speech The boy said, “I like sweets”

A) The boy says that he liked sweets

B) The boy said that he had liked sweets

C) The boy said that he liked sweets

D) The boy says that he has liked sweets

Correct Option : C

4. He set out ________ six o’ clock

A) at

B) in

C) on

D) from

Correct Option : A

5. This is really ______ enchanting scene

A) the

B) a

C) an

D) None of the above

Correct Option : C

6. Change into passive voice ‘The boy broke the window’

A) The window was broken by the boy

B) The window is broken by the boy

C) The window has been broken by the boy

D) The window had been broken by the boy

Correct Option : A

7. Your story is ______ than grandma’s

A) funny

B) funnier

C) fun

D) funniest

Correct Option : B

8. Ram or his brothers _____ home every week

A) go

B) goes

C) gone

D) going

Correct Option : A

9. Find out the adverb in the sentence: ‘Clean your room carefully’

A) room

B) clean

C) your

D) carefully

Correct Option : D

10. He _________ tea every morning

A) drinks

B) drink

C) is drinking

D) drank

Correct Option : A

11. Identify the correctly spelt word

A) Vacum

B) Vaccum

C) Vacuum

D) Vacuem

Correct Option : C

12. Suja ______ her new saree for the function

A) put on

B) set out

C) came across

D) turn on

Correct Option : A

13. Select the word which means the opposite of the word - Boon

A) Blessing

B) Curse

C) Happiness

D) Wishing

Correct Option : B

14. Select the meaning of the underlined idiom It’s `raining cats and dogs`

A) It’s raining heavily

B) Cats and dogs are falling from the sky

C) Cats are being chased by dogs

D) Cats and dogs are quarrelling

Correct Option : A

15. Find out the synonym of the word ‘Peer’

A) Competitor

B) Twin

C) Prejudice

D) Equal

Correct Option : D

16. Lacking in quantity or quality is _______

A) enough

B) sufficient

C) meagre

D) full

Correct Option : C

17. The crop was attacked by a ________ of locusts

A) herd

B) troop

C) crowd

D) plague

Correct Option : D

18. “Meet me at the new building ________ at noon.” The architect said

A) sight

B) cite

C) site

D) seat

Correct Option : C

19. Artists must be ________ otherwise they just repeat what they see or hear

A) create

B) creative

C) created

D) creating

Correct Option : B

20. A Latin word which means ‘the most important work of an artist, writer etc’

A) Memento

B) Magnum opus

C) Mangue

D) Mot juste

Correct Option : B

21. Choose the most appropriate word: The __________ of a railway engine is almost deafening

A) scream

B) shriek

C) screech

D) scramble

Correct Option : A

22. Use the correct conditionals She would buy a pony, if ________ enough money

A) she has

B) she have

C) she had

D) she did

Correct Option : C

23. Find the phrase that best fits into the blank in the sentence. The occasion _________ prompt action

A) calls up

B) calls to

C) calls out

D) calls for

Correct Option : D

24. Choose the alternative which best expresses the meaning of the idiom: “To show the white feather”

A) To show signs of cowardice

B) To seek peace

C) To show arrogance

D) To show arrogance

Correct Option : A

25. The boy, along with the tourists ______ gone

A) do

B) has

C) have

D) does

Correct Option : B

26. Find out the passive form of : “Does she know me”?

A) Did I know her?

B) Has she known me?

C) Am I known to her?

D) None

Correct Option : C

27. Choose the correctly spelt word:

A) opportunity

B) oppertunity

C) oppurtunity

D) opporttunity

Correct Option : A

28. Which sentence is correct

A) He was universally loved and honoured by all

B) He was universally loved and honoured

C) He was universally loved and honoured by every one

D) None

Correct Option : B

29. Choose the correct tag question Don’t make any noise, ________ ?

A) do you?

B) don’t you?

C) will you?

D) does you?

Correct Option : C

30. Complete the sentence meaningfully : Seeing that the child was ill, the:

A) windows of the room were closed

B) doctor was sent for

C) bottle of the medicine was found empty

D) mother sent for the doctor

Correct Option : D

31. Select a word synonymous with ‘INTEGRITY’

A) Selflessness

B) Selfishness

C) Honesty

D) Durability

Correct Option : C

32. Each of these apartment buildings has ________ own swimming pool

A) its

B) that

C) their

D) his

Correct Option : A

33. Use the correct adverb to replace the groups of words in bold letters He was appointed Principal, “FOR THE PRESENT TIME ONLY”

A) accidently

B) unanimously

C) voluntarily

D) provisionally

Correct Option : D

34. Identify the sentence “Look before you leap”:

A) Interrogative

B) imperative

C) declarative

D) exclamatory

Correct Option : B

35. We agree _______ most things

A) about

B) on

C) with

D) for

Correct Option : C

36. Put the adjectives in right order The house was __________ building

A) a nice stone old

B) a nice old stone

C) a stone old nice

D) an old nice stone

Correct Option : B

37. Choose the correct plural form of “Basis”

A) basis

B) basic

C) basises

D) bases

Correct Option : D

38. The noun “SPONTANEITY” belongs to which category

A) count

B) collective

C) mass

D) compound

Correct Option : C

39. Many a man _________ tempted by gold

A) is

B) are

C) did

D) have

Correct Option : A

40. Select the word which is opposite to “STERN”:

A) indulgent

B) liberal

C) emotional

D) lenient

Correct Option : D

41. Would you mind ----------- this letter

A) Posts

B) Post

C) Posting

D) Posted

Correct Option : C

42. Would you mind ----------

A) Come with me?

B) Comes with me?

C) Coming with me?

D) Came with me?

Correct Option : C

43. I look forward ------ from you

A) to hearing

B) for hear

C) by hearing

D) for hearing

Correct Option : A

44. You had better ------ in time

A) reached

B) reach

C) reaches

D) to reach

Correct Option : B

45. You had better -------

A) locked the door

B) locking the door

C) lock the door

D) to lock the door

Correct Option : C

46. Which is the infinitive form of the noun ‘Choice’

A) to see

B) to snooze

C) bring

D) to choose

Correct Option : D

47. It is time the children ------------

A) goes to bed

B) go to bed

C) going to bed

D) went to bed

Correct Option : D

48. It is time we ------- the work

A) had started

B) will start

C) started

D) start

Correct Option : C

49. I would rather you -------- a song

A) danced than sing

B) dance than sing

C) dance than sang

D) danced than sang

Correct Option : A

50. Scarcely had I reached the station ------ the train started

A) than

B) then

C) when

D) till

Correct Option : C

51. Hardly had he finished the exam --------- the bell rang

A) soon

B) after

C) when

D) before

Correct Option : C

52. She made me ------------

A) to sit down

B) sitting down

C) sit down

D) sat down

Correct Option : C

53. The noun form of ‘atrocious’ is

A) Atritivity

B) Atriety

C) Atrocity

D) None of these

Correct Option : C

54. He told me that he -------- visit U.K next year

A) may

B) can

C) will

D) would

Correct Option : D

55. “Rani, why were you absent yesterday?” Teacher said Teacher asked Rani why ----------------

A) she was absent the previous day

B) she had been absent yesterday

C) She was absent yesterday

D) She had been absent the previous day

Correct Option : D

56. “Don’t sleep late and miss the bus” said Mr. Varma. Change into reported speech

A) Mr. Varma advised us not to sleep late and missed the bus

B) Mr. Varma advises us not to sleep late and miss the bus

C) Mr. Varma advised us not to sleep late and miss the bus

D) Mr. Varma advised us to sleep late and miss the bus

Correct Option : C

57. “I saw this car here a week ago”, she said. Report the sentence

A) She said that, she saw that car here a week ago

B) She said that, she saw that car there a week ago

C) She said that, she saw that car there a week since

D) She said that, she saw that car there a week before

Correct Option : D

58. Report : “Is your book on Shakespeare”, he asked her.

A) He asked her if your book is on Shakespeare

B) He asked her if her book was on Shakespeare

C) He asked her if her book were on Shakespeare

D) He told her if her book is on Shakespeare

Correct Option : B

59. Delhi is one of the biggest cities in India, means -------------

A) Delhi is the biggest city in India

B) There are cities bigger than Delhi

C) A few other cities in India are as big as Delhi

D) No other city is bigger than Delhi

Correct Option : C

60. Elephant is ----------- than most other animals

A) stronger

B) more stronger

C) much stronger

D) strongest

Correct Option : A

61. Nepalese climber Min Bahadur Sherchan is the oldest man to scale Mt. Everest (Change into comparative degree)

A) Nobody is older than Min Bahadur Sherchan to scale Mt. Everest

B) No climber is as old as Min Bahadur Sherchan to scale Mt. Everest

C) The Nepalese climber Min Bahadur Sherchan is older than any other climber to scale Mt. Everest

D) Mt. Everest is as old as Min Bahadur Sherchan who climbed itMt. Everest is as old as Min Bahadur Sherchan who climbed it

Correct Option : C

62. The weather today is ----------- than yesterday

A) bad

B) worse

C) the worst

D) badder

Correct Option : B

63. I have ---------- pens than you

A) many

B) less

C) fewer

D) much

Correct Option : C

64. If he invited ------------

A) she will come

B) she would have come

C) she would come

D) she has come

Correct Option : C

65. If my mother had not grabbed my arm, I ---------

A) might have slipped

B) may have slipped

C) will have slipped

D) shall have slipped

Correct Option : A

66. If you had been more polite, ----------

A) he would have agreed

B) he could agree

C) he would agree

D) he has agreed

Correct Option : A

67. She would buy a pony, if ------- enough money

A) she has

B) she have

C) she had

D) she did

Correct Option : C

68. Pick out the correct sentence from the given options

A) If you study well, you would pass the examination

B) If you study well, you will pass the examination

C) If you studied well, you will pass the examination

D) If you have studied well, you would pass the examination

Correct Option : B

69. Correct the sentence I would pay up, if I was you

A) I would pay up if I were you

B) I would pay up if I am you

C) I would paid up if I were you

D) I would pay up if I are you

Correct Option : A

70. Had the driver been alert, the accident ----------

A) will not happen

B) would not happen

C) had not happened

D) would not have happened

Correct Option : D

71. He walks as if he -------- a drunkard

A) was

B) is

C) were

D) had been

Correct Option : D

72. He looks as though he ------- for days

A) did not sleep

B) does not sleep

C) has not slept

D) had not slept

Correct Option : A

73. The child cried as if it -------- the ghost

A) sees

B) saw

C) has seen

D) had seen

Correct Option : D

74. She dressed as if she ----- rich

A) were

B) was

C) is

D) had been

Correct Option : D

75. I wish I --------- a millionaire

A) was

B) were

C) am

D) had been

Correct Option : B

76. I wished I --------- a doctor

A) was

B) were

C) am

D) had been

Correct Option : D

77. Change the voice: Mr. Gupta will be invited

A) I invited Mr. Gupta

B) I will invite Mr. Gupta

C) I can invite Mr. Gupta

D) I invite Mr. Gupta

Correct Option : B

78. They are building a bridge (change the voice)

A) A bridge is being built by them

B) A bridge is been built by them

C) A bridge was been built by them

D) A bridge will be built by them

Correct Option : A

79. The company’s workforce is gradually ----------

A) reduced

B) been reduced

C) reducing

D) being reduced

Correct Option : D

80. Change the voice: He opened the door

A) Let the door be opened

B) The door is opened

C) The door was being opened

D) The door was opened

Correct Option : D

81. Change into active voice: We were kept waiting by her

A) She keeps us waiting

B) She is keeping us waiting

C) She kept us waiting

D) She had kept us waiting

Correct Option : C

82. What is the correct passive voice form of: “Do the hounds kill the fox?”

A) Is the fox killed by the hounds?

B) Are the hounds to kill the fox?

C) Is it the hounds that kill fox?

D) Is the fox being killed by the hounds?

Correct Option : A

83. Change the voice: I bought the baby a doll

A) The baby was bought a doll

B) A doll was bought for the baby

C) I was bought a doll for the baby

D) None of these

Correct Option : B

84. Find out the passive form of “Does she know me”?

A) Did I known her?

B) Has she known me?

C) Am I known to her?

D) None of these

Correct Option : C

85. The passive form of the sentence They put off the meeting due to the inconvenience of the Minister

A) The meeting is put off due to the inconvenience of the Minister

B) The meeting was being put off due to the inconvenience of the Minister

C) The meeting was put off due to the inconvenience of the Minister

D) The meeting has been put off due to the inconvenience of the Minister

Correct Option : C

86. Change the voice : Who taught you to sing?

A) By whom you taught to sing?

B) By whom was you taught to sing?

C) By whom were you taught to sing?

D) By whom were you have been taught to sing?

Correct Option : C

87. The young one of a pigeon is called

A) squab

B) bunny

C) cygnet

D) foal

Correct Option : A

88. What is the feminine gender of ram?

A) doe

B) jenny

C) mare

D) ewe

Correct Option : D

89. Pick out the singular form from the given words

A) Dishes

B) Butches

C) Class

D) Mice

Correct Option : C

90. Killing one’s father is known as

A) Fratricide

B) Parricide

C) Patricide

D) Hericide

Correct Option : C

91. The occasion ----------- prompt action

A) call up

B) call to

C) call out

D) call for

Correct Option : D

92. The agitation by the workers for higher wages has --------

A) died down

B) died upon

C) died off

D) died out

Correct Option : A

93. The super star plays a ----- role in the film

A) duel

B) dual

C) duet

D) dubious

Correct Option : B

94. She proved herself very --------- at playing chess

A) adopt

B) adapt

C) adept

D) None of these

Correct Option : C

95. The word which means “innocent” is

A) Childish

B) Frank

C) Childlike

D) Proud

Correct Option : C

96. One word substitute for ‘a room where the food supplies of a household are kept’

A) scullery

B) buttery

C) larder

D) pantry

Correct Option : C

97. A person who works for the good of others

A) Egoist

B) Altruist

C) Antagonist

D) Anarchist

Correct Option : B

98. One who walks in the streets and sells small articles is a

A) peddler

B) perdestrian

C) draper

D) pedlar

Correct Option : D

99. One who hates mankind is

A) Optimist

B) Pessimist

C) Misanthropist

D) Rationalist

Correct Option : C

100. ----------- goes before a fall

A) Haughtiness

B) Kindness

C) Pride

D) Happiness

Correct Option : C

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