

Women activists’ Mass arrest in Gilan Province of Iran!

Based on received report from ‘’Bidar Zani’’, on Wednesday, 16 August, 2023, the ‘’officers’’ of security apparatus of the Islamic regime have raided the homes of 8 activist women, arrested the following:

Jelveh Javaheri (women’s right activist, writer and translator) from Rasht City, Matin Yazdani (women's rights activist and photographer) from Rasht City, Forough Samnia,(a women's rights activist )from Rasht City, Yasmin Hashdari, (women's rights activist, poet and publisher) from Bandar Anzali, Zahra and Zohreh Dadvar ( two women’s right activist and sisters) from Rasht City, And Shiva Shahsiah (Graphite) from Lahijan City.

Also, based on Deutche Welle Persian program report, on the same day, Neghin Reazaei, a women’s right activist has been arrested in Fouman City.

Mahsa’s movement- the anniversary murder of Mahsa Amini, and the beginning of the movement called: ‘’Women, life, freedom’’ is fast approaching. Militant and freedom fighter forces, litigants, and the families of martyred in Mahsa’s movement, workers, unemployed, conscious women and girls opposing compulsory Hijab, university and school students … and the vast majority of Popular forces are preparing for yet another decisive widespread nationwide uprising in Iran.

The Islamic ruling regime is also afraid from the horror of such huge movement , preparing to prevent its dire consequences by hastily law planning and approving the so called: the bill for ‘’chastity and Hijab’’, a ‘’legal'' mandate for its suppressions, and on the other hand, by dispatching its stooges- the vicious chained dogs, giving them ‘’the right to shoot’’, they have violently attacked the homes of the braved Iranian women, in order to scare off these lionesses!

But the Islamic regimes official’s eyes are so blind with anger that cannot see the slogans written on the walls of homes of these brave lionesses Iranian women: ‘’if we were scare of dying, we wouldn’t fight you without weapons’’ or ‘’we are warriors, we will fight til victory’’.

From now on, such courage and bravery of the young men and women of our country-Iran- will mark the victorious end for this unequal battle ground.

The Solidarity Committees with Iranian Workers Movement-abroad, whilst defending the righteous rights of these love ones who have been unjustly imprisoned, calls on all freedom loving people of the world to demand for an immediate and unconditional release of all political prisoners in Iran.

We call on all progressive people of the world to welcome the Iranian peoples’ uprising enthusiastically.

The Solidarity Committees with Iranian Workers Movement-abroad
16 August, 2023

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