


When we help, we feel good from inside. Then someone gets better because of us. Even then we get a good feeling, then slowly, slowly, the mental which becomes us less, then the task is to work on our money. If all the problems happen because of please, then they have to be diluted. To be creative and forward working. Meaning whatever is creative has to be done. With us yoga, we work very well at the social family level. Because the way we practice all the Ashtanga Yoga, Yama Niyama etc., then we can work at a good level in the society and also in the family. The quality of practicing yoga prevents mental illness. The most important thing about yoga. If it comes, then instead of changing others, we start changing ourselves because we have only our nature in our hands or we are who. The rest is not in our hands. Coincidence teaches us that. Transforming ourselves is the journey of the self and as we consider the senses and the mind that I am not just the body, but I am the soul in the mind. Then we merge ourselves with Brahman. When always when we mean physically when we are connected with the body then we mean all this to me and this means selfish feeling. ecost we were but when we a little which school which kind of side go. We think that I am not only the body, but I am also the salutation. I am also life, then I can merge myself with that Brahman. If I feel myself in his sky, then by doing all this practice, the mental which we have, which we mean, whatever we do not know mentally. How everything works, then we are able to see things well and understand them well, then our relationship also remains good. Diet also works a lot in this. This is a rule to be followed. All three are also very important. It is the food of the seventh which keeps its strong. Coming has a lot of effect on prana which makes us more active. Nervous, aggressive. We should not eat in such substances because eating such things will make us angry even more. If Ramtej comes, you will grow and you will not be able to see things very well. Man, if ET is not there, then our BJP must have lived in the office, so the nutrients in our food affect all the structure of the brain, so we should use our food wisely. Which also affects our behavior, right now it is probably important. Chandan is the story of both in the Chandogya Upanishad at the memory level and Shvetaketu. ok so can ask this like what other is about. He is the guru and Shvetaketu is his disciple, so there is obeisance. You had said such a thing and asked the question that how did he say you? Whatever he has read, he speaks. How can Anna be mind? In this way, he said that if you stop eating and drinking for a few days, then he could think as before. Could speak all the slokas. Without any sense, he was so rote at such a speed that as soon as he stopped drinking food, his memory loss started and if he had forgotten, then he came to know that if Nand is the mind, then he will not come so deep. But in which Upanishad or what is there, something like this can come. The train's bio-chemical changes are affected by Panna. That is why Anna has also been given the same importance as Yama Niyama in yoga, because of his happiness, the mind becomes happy with his parents. Therefore, as much as the monsoon of the schedule and the verses of the Bhagavad Gita in it, Chapter 7 is the priority hobby, not Balam. That one more! You should give nourishment to the sweet aliphatic Arju body. Here the topic of number one ended. Somebody has a problem with this. No no! Symbol of girls. If the same is going to repeat itself, then there are 403 symptoms of physiological neuroendocrine mental physical action ie psychophysiology mental physical action i.e. psychophysiology Ayurveda face disease. It is said in Ayurveda to listen carefully. If there are three causes of illness, then the reason in the election and also the senses had to be restrained. Travelers on strike, coincidence, pragma crime and year result is second. Poetry to go street psychophysiological. Central cooperation and OK OK second is psychophysiological i.e. Spiritual mental physical action to understand it by triangle, which feeling is to be written on one corner of the triangle i.e. it is spiritual, that is to write mind on the other corner. That is, he became psycho, writing the body on the third corner. That is, if it is physiological, then we have to balance these three by working on all three of them through yoga, working on 50 packs of Kasari Yoga Yoga. How to fix it, so where the environment and human beings together call it development, then how to understand it. How has the person become now that angry now? Thinks of himself but he is destroying all the forests for his luxury to develop this dog. Industries making their own furniture. So all this means different for every person in each house, where does Bikaner mean petrol comes from? Is nature this how much nature is being destroyed to fulfill all our luxuries. He is not thinking of today's man. That's why nature also gave us a demo. Right now for 2 years, we will also have to balance with the environment for shards, but if we go to mango juice and vice versa, then we also have to open our beloved psycho and zoological balance with mindfulness. Don't live like an animal. In the prison of consciousness, earlier also we had to have mind and greater consciousness. Yoga leads to salvation. Slowly the bondage of the mind is my desire for the bondage of the body. I have some attraction towards the police station, so whatever this is, it gradually decreases with yoga. Sukma from us proceeds from Sukma to reason. If we see someone, we should see it again and again because we cannot understand any person at once. To anyone we mean to us how we would be human. When we do too much to anyone, our thanks are less. If you cannot understand at once, you have to see it again and again. To understand over and over again. No human will understand at once because we see the other person from our perspective. Well as Aarti Ma'am had said that like wearing glasses, money will see the world of color. If you drink yellow, it is only for the sake of drinking that I had said that first again and again try to understand the person in front of it. If you want to see yourself by putting yourself in his place, then the relations with him are also fine. Then the life of Vipassana meditation translation is to be controlled by the mind and watch the morning. Why ol in short form of Yoga Therapy Porn Story of Psycho Somatic Cell? What is the full form of Bhoot? Simple quality of life is our life, so in college life, everything is on our finger right now. Meaning, don't just touch the mobile on one finger and everything is in front, yet we all have no peace in our mind. Was it due to stress, whatever damage I have done, no modern treatment will be able to fix it. Need lichen geography aarti. Whatever is there, whatever has been damaged due to stress, is not the technology of today, no technology will be right. Because yoga is multidimensional in the Indian space of psychological toxicology. Now let's see what Patanjali says in this, then Patanjali has told the process of stopping the movement of thoughts, then what is their fundamentals. How many do you have in mind? He gave the formula to control the mind, remove the negative thoughts, remove the negative thoughts, see the light of the light inside you by going to Jyotishmati, the secret of the world. Mind and soul mature, Raja Yoga to mature mind and soul and who can ask on this side who can do Raju and for whom is Raju and Bhakti and Karmayoga for whose mind and soul are mature. Well, that is exactly what you mean by mind and soul. If you have come in support, you have agreed to it and for the rest of the people remember Bhakti and Karma Yoga. Then there are those who are victorious, twisted, irritable, concentrated and imprisoned, even the foolish shift deranged friends, those who are neither of silver, and those of another opposition and such, would understand that we have to go from silver to silver to Satna. Only then will we be able to get the benefit of yoga. Otherwise you will not get it. We have to go step by step. Meaning, as if we start doing Raja Yoga directly, then the problem means that we have to do Kundalini Shakti step by step in Uddhav. Direct Rajiv, as he had told by sir that by giving the example of a water pipe, if we keep it pressed and turn it on, then it may break the pipe from somewhere else. In order to get the water out, we have to go step by step from me to the element from silver to silver. First of all the mind has to be controlled, so first of all, the mood choli thar jeep which is our state which is foolish shift and neurotic people who are in tamas and silver, are fallen from silver. Those people cannot do yoga and one who is respectful and against, he will do yoga. Well, according to the Bhagavad Gita, I have said that the mind and the name of man are closed, Moksha Yoga is open, only the bondage of man and the drains of salvation, these three have been said in the Bhagavad Gita, Karmayoga and Bhakti. We have told these three and Patanjali can ask the states. Please, who has spoken the kingdom and who has spoken these three, then name, karma, bhakti and Patanjali have given the kingdom in the Bhagavad Gita. By doing yoga, by doing the knowledgeable and by doing leaves, we have to remove sorrow through these three. Yogah Karmasu Kaushalam, Nishkaam Karma is our Nishkaam Karma Yoga. We have to act without attachment to the fruit. I have written here on the side then this question MCQ will come. What is yoga, then selfless action? Today in which the person who does not have the rites of attachment, aversion to sex, he is in support, that is, his own yoga is Samatvam Yoga. Where will this go? We have to stay in the springtime state capable of happiness and sorrow. Everything is fleeting. Understanding that, then you have to remain even in the situation. Dharma Artha Kama Moksha I have written all this in short, so we have to understand all this. Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha, is there no need to explain them in detail, is there? will not work. Home Patanjali Patanjali has said that in the Bhagavad Gita there is a path of devotional action for all sections of the people. To understand the element property is to be 1 times 30. The mind has to be concentrated, which we build, which we are, from which we are for how long, isn't it? Twin 2. Strong. Our vision is also Auntie Chalo Integration Psychosocial Application of Yoga. So, this topic is not in any book, not in the scriptures, but this scripture is the summary of all the scriptures. Understand that there is no hunger here. There is no complete killer scripture, but I explained this by taking the essence of all the scriptures, so everything is mixed, so whoever has studied the doctor Anand Bal Yogi well in it. If I had come in the objective exam out of that, then I would come in the side. If I have written this on the side, then see what she has drunk and I will also explain. Interpersonal relationships will not know our play store until we know ourselves. We don't know what it is. Until we do not go to the Nishkam school, we will not be able to know others. Until we love ourselves. Till then we will not be able to meditate on others also. What we have to do for this, we have to do selfless deeds.

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