

Today we are going talk about educational system in Germany. I will say some words about schools and then Savelij will continue with information on higher education. So, let’s start. First of all I should say that in Germany school education is controlled by local government, so may be some differences in educational systems of different states. For example, primary school in whole Germany except Berlin and Brandenburg lasts 4 years, but in these cities it lasts 6 years. Education is free, but in some states there are private schools. But like it is in our country, private school doesn’t mean good school and public school doesn't mean good school. Now, let’s have a closer look. Most of german children go to the nursery school at the age of three. And when they become 6 or 7 they go to the primary school. It is called Grundshule. After 4 or 6 years there are some exams which divide pupils into 3 schools - Hauptshule, Realshule, and Gymnasium. The Hauptshule is school for pupils who…let’s say it in this way… who are not very interested or successful in studying. It ends after 9 grade after that pupils can go to special courses and get not very qualified job. The Realshule is just a comprehensive school. It ends after 10 grade, and pupils can get a job, continue to study in Realshule or try to enter the Gymnasium. The Gymnasium is designed to prepare pupils for higher education and finishes with the final examination, which is called Abitur, after grade 12 or 13. Abitur is something like our EGE in some way. After Gymnasuim you can go to the University or to the Institute. After Realshule you can go only to the Institute. In the end I want to say that home schooling is illegal in Germany, so if children don’t go to school parents can get punishment. So, it was basic information of school system in Germany. Now, it is Savelij turn to tell us something about universities.

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