

Dana Kawmi


  1. were served
  2. were welcomed
  3. was hung
  4. was lit
  5. were taken
  6. was given


Form von to be | Past Participle

3. was | hung

4. was | lit

5. were | taken

6. was | given


light | lit | lit

take | took | taken

give | gave | given

leave | left | left

fly | flew | flown

show | showed | shown

eat | ate | eaten

drink | drank | drunk

feed | fed | fed



2. was flown

3. were shown

4. were eaten

5. wasn't drunk , was given


  1. The tourist was flown to a hospital in New York by a helicopter.
  2. My shoes were cleaned by a seven-year-old boy in Rio.
  3. The boat was painted by two sailors.
  4. Our luggage was checked by a young lady.
  5. I was stopped by a customs officer at the airport.


Yesterday the ducks were fed by an old man.

Usually they are fed by an old woman.


Die Form von to be verändert sich; das Vollverb aber nicht.


This sort of car is built in Japan.


  1. Vergangenheit | Mehrzahl | hidden

The guns were hidden in this flat.

2. Vergangenheit |Einzahl | found

The ship was found near the cliffs.

3. Gegenwart | Mehrzahl | printed

Lots of books are printed every year.

4. Vergangenheit | Mehrzahl | cooked

The meals were cooked on an open fire.

5. Vergangenheit | Einzahl | won

The cup was won by a Danish team.

6. Gegenwart | Einzahl | closed

The gate is closed every evening.


  1. These carrots will be eaten by our rabbits.
  2. All these newspapers will be read.
  3. I will be woken up at 6 o'clock tomorrow.


  1. The date of the meeting was changed by them.

2. Service is included in the bill.

3. A new factory will be built here by them.

4. The pyramids were built by the Egyptian kings.

5. The telephone was invented by Graham Bell.

6. All kinds of cars are repaired by Julio and Mark.

7. Their old house will be sold by them.


2. Bottles were thrown on to the pitch.

3. The paint of cars was scratched.

4. Seats on a train were cut.

5. The spectators are escorted from the station to the stadion.

6. Dogs are taken to the stadion.

7. The supporters are watched by TV-cameras.

8. All the supporters will be checked at the entrance.

9. All the bottles will be taken away.

10. The fence around the pitch will be raised.

Test 3

1.His watch was stolen by somebody.

2.A shop will be opened by somebody here soon .

3.The cat is taken to the vet every day.

4.Her glasses weren't been found by them after the accident by them.

5.Six people were arrested yesterday.

6. A rocket will be started in 5 hours.

7. A house is owned by Mr Campbell.

8. A car was produced in France.

9. Rooms are cleaned every morning.

10.This street was repaired last autumn.

11. These guitars were played by Elvis Presley.

12. Many humans are hurt every year by cars.

13. All flights were canceled because of fog.

14. His music will be played everywhere.

12.Das Passiv ( the passive voice ) in Gegenwart und Vergangenheit


  1. Damage to a beautiful place is done easily.
  2. Silly pictures are drawn on rocks.
  3. Names are often cut into big trees.
  4. Garbage is often left around in the mountains. 
  5. Or it’s even thrown into rivers.
  6. When short cuts are taken, more and more land is lost, of course.
  7. This is the way rare plants are often destroyed.
  8. Recycling bins  are put up all over the area.
  9. Some of the mountain rangers are even attacked when they urge bikers to be more careful.


  1. are welcomed , is protected
  2. was thrown
  3. are driven
  4. are told, were attacked
  5. were hit, are picked
  6. is made, are ... seen


  1. Computer programmes are written by programmers.
  2. Walls are painted by painters.
  3. Coal is mined by coal miners.
  4. A tractor is driven by a farmer.
  5. A nice picture is done by a professional artist.
  6. A broken machine is repaired by a mechanic.
  7. Wimbledon is won by professional players.
  8. Huge trucks are driven by truckers.
  9. Ill people are helped by doctors.



  1. were taken
  2. was damaged
  3. was blown, was brought , was broken
  4. were killed, were burnt
  5. were put
  6. were flown


Many humans were hurt by the fire.

The forest was left by the animals.

Two children were killed by the flash.



  1. The world record in eating apples was broken by a student.
  2. Two new-born grizzlies were discovered by a ranger.
  3. A 17-year old was rescued after a mountain bike accident.
  4. Bananas were thrown at the zoo visitors by an angry gorilla.


  1. 14 apples were eaten by him in 21 minutes.
  2. They were carried to their mother.
  3. She was taken to the hospital by a few hikers.
  4. After he was shouted at by visitors.

Direkte und indirekte Rede


Direct speech : simple present

Indirect speech : simple past


He said he had taken lots of photos during his holiday.


  1. Melissa said her father bought a new car every year.
  2. knew , Mrs Wickham said she had known all the answers in the test.
  3. are, Bob told me his favourite fruit were cherries.
  4. have bought, Barbara told him she had never bought more than three dresses at the same time.


Barbara said the weather had been fine when she had worn it last time.


He asked me if I knew Fred.


  1. Do you go to work by car every day?
  2. When did you left your house last monday?
  3. How many kilometres do you have to go?
  4. Have you ever come by bike?
  5. Why so few people come to work by bike?


  1. Richard said he couldn't come to the party.
  2. Mandy asked if Andrew would go to the party.
  3. Peter said everyone had to bring a bottle.
  4. Jenny asked if she might bring some friends with her.


  1. George says he enjoys his new job.
  2. George said he enjoyed his new job.
  3. The doctor says Paul has to stay in bed for a few days.
  4. The doctor said Paul had to stay in bed for a few days.
  5. Mike told me he had met Susan last weekend.
  6. Mike says he met Susan last weekend.


  1. The receptionist told us to leave the key in our room.
  2. The waitress told me to pay at the cash desk.
  3. The bus driver told us to use the front door.
  4. Mother told Tom not to hurt his finger.


  1. She told me her mother had been in hospital for a week.
  2. She asked where I would go on holiday next summer.
  3. She asked me to give her regards to my parents.
  4. She said she had got a brother.
  5. She asked if my father was in good health again.
  6. She invited me to come to Bournemouth and stay with her for a week.

Test 5

  1. He said: „ I met Steve yesterday. ”
  2. She said: „I don't wan't to stay alone. ”
  3. Elizabeth said: „ I can't play tennis very well. ”
  4. Kenneth asked: „ Do you know my friend Marion? ”
  5. They told them : „ Come in time. ”
  6. She asked Oliver when she had bought this postcard.
  7. She said she couldn't remember the receptionist‘s name.
  8. She says she has a very bad memory.
  9. She asked if this was the book that she had bought at the little bookshop.

13. Die indirekte Rede 1 ( the reported speech)


  1. Betty said she had liked interviewing so many different people.
  2. Ling added they were both a bit nervous before.
  3. Betty thought the interview with the pop singer had been fantastic.
  4. Ling answered she hadn't really enjoy it very much.
  5. Betty told her friends sometimes she had had a problem writing down the answers.
  6. Ling added some other kids hadn't been even able to find good questions.
  7. Betty said now the teachers were having a look at all the interviews.
  8. A friend asked her if she still were sure she wanted to be a reporter one day, Betty?
  9. Betty answered she was quite sure.


  1. Sheila said they had been to a lot of sights, but the Sun Tower with its green roof had been the most interesting.
  2. Jim asked if they had expected such a large harbour.
  3. He said he had never seen so many ships before.
  4. Ellen and Jane told everyone they had walked round Canada Place and we had met two nice German boys there. But they hadn't really understood them.
  5. Ben said he had taken the 200-metres-lift to the top of the Living Shangri-La. He was sure he had never had a more beautiful view before.


Tom said his hobby was eating bigmacs at his favourite snack bar.

Donna told them she always went surfing at the weekends when her boyfriend joined her.

Emma said they didn't have much money in their family. So she had to work in her free time.

Tim told them his friend and he had been junior rangers for some time. They would continue.

Martha said she had done baby-sitting since Marc, but she wouldn't go on with it after June.



  1. They asked them what they would do in the evenings.
  2. They asked whether there would be a nice movie at the cinema.
  3. They wanted to know if they were going to watch it.
  4. They asked John if he had learned for the Maths test yet.
  5. They wanted to know when they could phone them in the evening.


  1. They ordered them to shut the windows when they go out.
  2. They told them not to forget their keys when they leave.
  3. They ordered them to clean the kitchen after the meals.
  4. They told them they wouldn't have to clean the living-room.
  5. They wanted them to write an SMS if there would be any problems.


 “John möchte wissen, ob du schon einmal in Kanada gewesen bist .”

 “She says she is the first time here .” 

“Tina says she likes the mountains around Vancouver very much.”

“John meint, wir sollten eine Wanderung machen .”  

 “Tina thinks it is a good idea . She wants to know if she has to wear waterproof shoes.” 

 “Er sagt, es sei so auch sicherer.” 

“She asks whether we could go already tomorrow .”

 “John schlägt vor, erst auf die Wettervorhersage auf weather.com zu schauen .”

 “Tina says she agrees.”

“She says she is exited to go on a hikingtour .”

“Betty fragt, ob ihr Vater und sie auch mitkommen können.” 

 “Tina says she would even much prefer that!”

“Tom findet es wunderbar. Er meint, wir sollen jetzt auf die Vorhersage schauen.” 

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