



words that sound the same but

have different meanings and spellings

air - heir.          allowed-aloud

altar-alter.        ate - eight

band - banned.   bare - bear

base - bass.      bean - been

bite - byte.        billed-build

blew - blue.        board - bored.  

 boy - buoy.        brake - break

bread - bred.        buy - bye - by

ceiling - sealing.      cell-sell

cent - scent.        cereal - serial

check-cheque.      coarse - course

dear-deer.         die - dye

draft-draught.       faint - feint

fair - fare.          feat - feet

find - fined.         flew - flu

flour-flower.        gorilla - guerilla

grate-great.       groan-grown

guessed- guest.    hair - hare

hall - haul.       heal - heel - he'll

hear - here.        heard - herd

hi - high.           higher-hire

him - hymn.         hole-whole

holy - holey - wholly.   idle - idol

it's-its.               key-quay

knew - new.         knight-night

knot - not.           know - no

knows - nose.        lead - fed

links - lynx.           loan - lone

made - maid.        mail - male

mare - mayor.     marshal - martial

meat - meet.        miner - minor

mind - mined.      missed - mist

moose - mousse.    muscle-mussel

none-nun.          one - won.  packed - pact.      pain - pane

pair - pear.         passed - past

pause - paws.      pea - pee

peace - piece.      peak - peek

plain - plane.       plum - plumb

pole - poll.       practice - practise

praise - prays - preys.  principal - principle

profit - prophet.     rain - reign

raise - rays.         rap - wrap

read - reed.        read - red

right-write.         role - roll

root - route.        rose - rows

sale - sail.          soar - sore

scene - seen.        sea - see

seas - sees - seize.    sew - so

side - sighed.         sight - site

sole - soul.           some-sum

son-sun.             stair-stare

stake - steak.         steal - steel

sweet-suite.           tail - tale

tear - tier.           there - their - they're

threw - through.     throne-thrown

tide - tied.           tire-tyre

to - too - two.       vain-vane-vein

wail - whale.        waist - waste

wait-weight.        watt - what

way - weigh - whey.   we - wee

weak - week.         wear - where

we'd - weed.         we'll - wheel

weather - whether.   which-witch

whine - wine.      who's-whose

wood - would.       your - you're

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