

In the following I will report on the current news of the corona-virus. This virus was first discovered in China and spread over the whole word, but especally europe.

The most attected country in europe is Italy. In this country, there are about 90 thousand diagnosted people and nearly 10 thousand dead people. Italy is the country with the most people, died at corona. The italian government decided to impose a curfew ( Ausgangssperre) to harm the spreading of the virus.

Right now Germany has about 48 thousand infected people and 550 death because of the virus.

A lot of german people are under quarantine or sociol distancing. So the german government try to stop the the corona-virus.

But not only the health of the citizens are suffering, also the econemy. A lot of restaurants, shops and companies had to close. A lot of workers are on short-time work because of the virus.

The german goverment decided to help these companies with aidmoney (Hilfsgeldern) so they will not have any long-term disadvantages.

All in all you can say, that the corona-virus has a big impact on the day-to-day life of everyone. But also in the economy and healthsystem. It can only be hoped that the corona-virus will not infect a lot of people.

Part 2

In the last text I mentioned the bad circumstances in order of the situation due to corona. In the following I will describe the current situation and my feeling and opinion on the more and more spreading virus.

While in China 91% of the once infected people are recovered, here in Europe and a lot of other counties the amout of infected people is raising every day. The United States have more citizens with a diagnosed infection than China ever had. The German infections are also increasing and there are more than 63 thousend people diagnosed with corona. Particulary North Rhine Westphalia is suffering ftom over 10 thousend infected citizens. Even though there are a lot of infections we "only" have 80 deaths caused by corona. In comparison to Italy for example this is not much. Right now Italy has over 98 thousand infections and over 11 thousand deaths because of corona.

I personally notice the consequences especially in social contact. It is forbidden to leave the home with more than one other person. I think it is right to restrict the rights of the citizens by law, because to my mind it is the only way to harm the spreading of the dangerous virus. It is important to stay home, also young people. These young people could optentially transport the virus. This is mostly not dangerous for themselves, but to other people who are in a risk group, like older people ore people with a lung disease. The people, who are not following the rules, are not only risking their life, but also a life of a lot of other.

The corona-virus has also bad consequences for the economy. A lot of peope have to go in short-time work. The DAX, the German stock index, is at its lowest range, since a very long time.

All in all I can say, that the corona-virus is affecting each of our lives and everyone should help to stop the spreading of it. Even though the amount of infactions is increasing, and there will be an end of this pandemic and it is the job from every single one to try to make this and as soon as possible.

3 Part

The corona-virus in my hometown. I remeber, it was the first weekend in march, when my mother told me, that a son of friends of us is infected with the the corona-virus. I was shocked. This was the first person I know with corona. This boy, I call him Otto (it is not his real name) was on ski holiday in Austria. He came back at the end of Febuary and felt not very good. He went to the doctor. A few days later he was tested and the test was positiv. Immediately he had to go into quarantine, together with his mother, father and sister. My mother cooked a cake for them and brought the cake to them. She went to the house, layd the cake in front of the housdoor and walked away. In the evening, the family called my mom, and they where very lucky and grateful.

Actually we have about 56 infected persons in my hometown. 2o person are healthy and 1 person died.

Yesterday the worst case happend. The corona-virus came into a old people´s home in the middle of my hometown. People in this house are very old and they are risk patients. The government must now decide what are the next and best steps which must be done.

My familiy and I stay at home, every day and the whole weekend. We are playing a lot cards and society game like "Siedler von Catan" or "Der große Dalmutie".

In my home town people stay together and help each other. Young people go shopping for old people etc. Nearly everybody stay at home in his freetime.

I hope, that life turns to normality very soon and life is a little bit better than before corona.

-stay healthy-

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