

Iris Pagel

Hello boys and girls good ... MORNING.

I hope all of you are well. For those who have already finished the exercises and want to do a bit more. No Problem, here we go.

(Ich hoffe, euch geht es gut. Für diejenigen, die die Aufgaben schon erledigt haben und noch ein bisschen mehr machen möchten. Kein Problem, los geht‘s.)

Let‘s start with the alphabet song and practice spelling some words.


Now spell your fistname and your last name, then spell the name of the street you live in and maybe you can spell some other words as well. Find someone at hoe who can say the word you spelled.

(Jetzt buchstabiere deinen Vor- und Nachnamen, dann die Straße in der du wohnst und vielleicht noch ein paar andere Worte. Suche jemanden bei dir zuhause, der dir die Wöter nennt, die du buchstabierst).

I want you to check and maybe complete your text “One minute presentation about myself“. Some of you maybe have to start with the mindmap again.

Mindmap about myself

Let‘s look at your texts step by step. You don‘t have to write the text again, but make sure that you finish it. Learn it by heart and practice presenting it. You should be able to give the presentation without reading, but you are allowed to use some small notes.

(Ich möchte, dass ihr euren Text „One minute presentation abour myself“ kontrolliert und evtl vervollständigt. Einige müssen vielleicht auch mit der Mindmap anfangen. Ihr müsst den Text nicht neu schreiben aber ihr solltet den Text fertigstellen. Lernt den Text auswendig und übt ihn zu präsentieren. Ihr solltet dabei nicht ablesen aber ihr dürft kleine Notizen verwenden.)

1) Intoduction (Einleitung)

Hello would like to tell you a few things about myself. My name is (Name) and I‘m (Alter) years old.

First I am going to tell you where I live and about our (house/flat). After that I will talk about my family, my friends and my hobbies. Finally I am going to tell you something about my (pet/school/favourite place).

2) Mainpart (Hauptteil)

I live in (Wohnort). We live in (a flat with a balcony/ a house with a garden). I think it is very (nice/samll/big). I have my own room. In my room there is a bed, (a sofa, a desk, ...). But my favourite thing in my room is my (...) because (...).

My family that‘s my mum (Name), my dad (Name), my brother (Name) and my sister (Name). My mum is (Alter) years old and works as a (Beruf). My father is (Alter) years old and he is a (Beruf). My brother/sister (Name) is (Alter) years old. The best thing about him/her is that (...) but sometime he/she can also be a real pain.

Now let me tell you about my friends and my hobbies. (Name_1), (Name_2) and (Name_3) are my best friends. (Name1) is (Alter) and (in my class/ my neighbour/ in my (...) club). (Name2) is (Alter) and (...) and (Name3) is (Alter) years old, too. I like them a lot because we often (Aktivität) and have lots of fun together.

My hobbies are (Hobby1) and (Hobby2). I practice (Hobby1) every (Wochentag). I like (Hobby1) because (...). (Hobby2) is my other hobby. I (...) together with my friend (Name). We like (...) because (...).

Finally, I will tell you a few things about my (...). It is (Aussehen). I like ist because (...). The best thing about it is, that (...).

3) Closing sentence (Schlusssatz)

That‘s all about me. Thank‘s for listening.

Okay boys and girls, before we say goodbye we have to clean up our desk and maybe the room as well, so here is another song.

(Befor wir uns verabschieden räumen wir erst einmal unseren Schreibtisch und vielleicht auch schnell das Zimmer auf, dazu habe ich euch hier nochmal einen Song herausgesucht.)


I hope you enjoyed the „lesson“. Stay well.

(Ich hoffe, euch hat die Unterrichtsstunde gefallen. Bleibt gesund.)

Okay boys and girls good ... BYE.

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