LDC Kerala 2017

1. Either he or his wife _________ coming to attend the dinner.

 (a) are (b) is (c)have (d) has

2. Scarcely had the function started ____________ it began to rain.

 (a) when (b) then (c) so (d) and

3. If you have roses growing in your garden you can make a lovely _________ of flowers at home.

(a) bouqutte   (b) bocquete  (c) bouquete     (d) bouquet 

4. __________ January is the first month.

  (a) The (b) a (c) an (d) No article

5. Caesar’s wife must be above _______________

(a) average   (b)doubtful  (c) suspicion     (d) the law 

6. _________ you hear the president’s speech?

 (a) have   (b) has   (c) had     (d) did

7. He knows French and German __________ Russian.

(a)beside   (b) besides (c) aside     (d)except

8. He is weak __________ he does a lot of work.

  (a)and   (b)yet   (c)because      (d)so

9. Age and experience _____________ wisdom to man.

(a) bring   (b)brought  (c)boughts     (d) brings

10. “Ivory tower” means

(a) living on high places  (b)expensive tower (c) place out of touch in reality  (d) tower made of ivory

11. Choose the correctly spelt word

(a) autumn   (b) grammer  (c) summar     (d)mordern 

12. Have you had ___________ lunch?

 (a) The (b) a (c) an (d) No article 

13. If dogs bark, horses __________.

 (a) howl (b) hiss (c) cry (d) neigh

14. Cattle ____________ not allowed to enter this ground.

 (a) is (b) are (c) was (d) has


15. I, Raju, ____ a doctor.

 (a) is (b) are (c) am (d) were 

16. You, boy, ___________ my favorite friend.

(a) is (b) are (c) am (d) were 

17. More than two girls _____________ absent.

(a) is (b) are (c) am (d) were 

18. The poor _______ not to be exploited.

(a) is (b) are (c) am (d) were 

19. The unemployed _____________ the poverty of the nation.

 (a) represent (b) represents (c) has (d) have 

20. These scissors ________________ blunt. 

 (a) is (b) are (c) has (d) was 

21. The news __________ not true.

 (a) is (b) are (c) am (d) were 

22. Each of the students __________ lazy.

 (a) is (b) are (c) was (d) were 

23. Neither of them ___________ present then.

 (a) is (b) are (c) was (d) were 

24. I and not my children ___________ to blame.

(a) is (b) are (c) am (d) were

25. The poet and novelist ______________ died.

(a) have   (b) has   (c) were     (d) did



1. Is. When two or more subjects are connected by either…….or, neither……..Nor, not only…….. but also etc. the verb is used according to the second subject.

2. When. Scarcely and hardly are followed by when. No sooner is followed by than

3. Bouquet

4. No article

5. Suspicion

6. Did 

7. Besides -> in addition to

8. Yet

9. Brings – Single unit like bread and butter, Knowledge and wisdom etc. hence singular verb.

10. Place out of touch in reality 

11. Autumn

12. No article -> No article before meals

13. Neigh – 


Horses – Neigh/Whinny

Snakes – Hiss

Jackal – howl

Swan – Cry


14. Are – nouns like Cattle, poultry, people, police etc. are always plural.

15. Am - apposition

16. Are

17. Are – more than one – singular subject

     More than two – Plural Subject

18. Are

19. Represent

20. Are

21. Is

22. Is

23. Was

24. Am - not after ‘and’

25. Has

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