

I apologize! I completely missed the earlier context about your 12-month goal for learning English. No worries, I can easily adjust the roadmap for you!

Roadmap to Learn English in 12 Months:

This plan assumes daily practice, ranging from 30 minutes to an hour depending on your schedule and learning style. Remember, consistency is key!

Phase 1: Building the Foundation (Months 1-3)

  • Focus on core grammar: Master verb conjugations, sentence structure, and basic vocabulary through Duolingo lessons and additional grammar resources like books or online courses.
  • Active listening: Immerse yourself in English through podcasts, movies/shows with subtitles, and English music. Shadowing (repeating what you hear) can be especially beneficial.
  • Start speaking: Find language exchange partners or online conversation groups to practice speaking English with native speakers. Don't worry about mistakes - embrace them as learning opportunities!
  • Build vocabulary: Use flashcards, apps, or vocabulary-building tools to actively learn new words daily. Focus on high-frequency words and those relevant to your interests.

Phase 2: Expanding Your Horizons (Months 4-6)

  • Deepen your grammar: Delve deeper into grammar concepts and nuances through advanced Duolingo lessons and additional resources. Mastering common idioms and expressions will boost your fluency.
  • Reading and writing: Practice reading English articles, books, and short stories. Start writing simple essays, journals, or creative pieces to improve your written communication.
  • Cultural immersion: Watch English documentaries, stand-up comedy, or YouTube channels to understand cultural references and humor. Get yourself a pen pal or find online communities to connect with native speakers on a deeper level.
  • Duolingo challenges: Participate in Duolingo leagues, stories, and legendary levels to push your comprehension and fluency in a fun and motivating way.

Phase 3: Refining and Polishing (Months 7-10)

  • Seek feedback: Get feedback from native speakers or online communities to identify areas for improvement in your grammar, pronunciation, and fluency. Utilize Duolingo's "legendary" feature to solidify challenging skills.
  • Specialize your vocabulary: Learn vocabulary related to your specific interests or career goals. Joining online forums or communities related to your passions can be a great way to practice these specialized terms.
  • Advanced English materials: Read articles, watch documentaries, and listen to podcasts on complex topics to challenge yourself and broaden your understanding.
  • Public speaking: If you're comfortable, try participating in online or local events where you can present or speak in English. This will boost your confidence and fluency.

Phase 4: Maintaining and Beyond (Months 11-12)

  • Stay consistent: Maintain your daily practice of speaking, reading, writing, and listening to English. Immerse yourself in the language as much as possible.
  • Expand your learning: Explore new areas of interest within the English language, such as literature, poetry, or creative writing. There's always more to learn!
  • Celebrate your progress: Remember to acknowledge your achievements and be proud of how far you've come. Learning a language is a marathon, not a sprint!

Additional Tips:

  • Make it fun! Choose topics and activities that you enjoy to keep the learning process engaging.
  • Embrace mistakes. They are inevitable and a valuable part of the learning journey.
  • Be patient and persistent. Mastering a language takes time and effort. Stay dedicated and you'll reach your goals!

This roadmap is a flexible guide, and you can adjust it to fit your learning style and pace. Remember, the most important thing is to be consistent, motivated, and to enjoy the process of learning English!

I hope this revised roadmap helps you achieve your English fluency goals within 12 months!

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