


The day dawned full of hope. I was holidaying at my uncle's farm and today I would go exploring the surrounding area. 'Don't worry about me, Uncle,' I shouted merrily as I walked into the dark forest.

The light and warmth of the sunlight faded as I made my way deeper and deeper into the wood. The trees seemed to lean in and whisper among themselves and before I knew it I had lost my way. Trying to find the path back, I came across a cave and entered for shelter suddenly plunging down a hidden hole just inside the entrance.

I must have blacked out, but for how long I didn't know. I could see nothing as I tried to peer through the pitch-black darkness. I tried to stand but a pain shot up my leg and I collapsed, helpless on the floor.

After some time lying motionless on the floor, I heard a growling sound that made my hair stand on end. My mind raced as I thought of what was in the cave with me. I felt like a mouse trapped before the cat. What happened next I will never understand as I must have passed out from fear.

The next thing I knew was that I woke up in my bed at my uncle's farm. A search, headed by my uncle, found me and returned me home safe and sound. I cried tears of joy when I saw my uncle and tried to inquire if there was anything else found in the cave but I could only stutter. My uncle hushed me and said 'you are one very lucky young lady'. If he only knew the half of it! I thought grinning.

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