Before you get the question can I go back to the slide of just put up the actions that Miles was going to take.

In the presentation we just got back up. Yeah just want to go over this because part of this is Ava stealing analysis in the first time in a lot of people are seeing this info. A couple things I will say is the gist of what you've seen on the investigation is just the very surface of the material that Miles. The team has put together as you can see they got the video tapes in the hood. Hours and hours of of witness interviews Etc so they've got this is just the obvious surface of it were also joined by mister. From France who was the first person at the scene in the eyewitness you be available to talk to the to the media afterwards and also Tony. Investigation team that won over a thing with six times. It's a very thorough beginning to an investigation and quite shocking we see the details just to go over and his writing is most shocking. Add photos of me to miss the start of this. London right behind the poisoning of the Russian citizens and you had the unfortunate it looks like event that happened in Turkey. The Economist. Which is caused World consternation. We just went through you know hundreds if not thousands. Of the best and the brightest of the Chinese people or either missing imprisoned if had their assets stripped. Or they mysteriously committed suicide or just fallen off 40 story buildings. And what the Emmaus borough has committed to.Since he's enjoying the the freedoms of the democratic West it's just a bunch of 100 million dollar fund fund. And its purpose will be to work with the victims families together more information. and also to begin to proceed whatever venue possible legal remedies for these victims. So, the people in China than life Stringer watching I think Miles well in the people associated with my nails are making a commitment. I'm not going to be forgotten and that this is the beginning of a process and I think you've seen from the fairness of this initial effort in this is your only. About the financial investigation and the investigation of the untimely demise of the term of a chicken egg. He also will immediately Dave approached him if he's ever. Critical path of the Event Horizon that happened after they accused him of lying about H&A and all the subsequent disclosures are. The, have come to him to settle he is refusing to settle and what you going to record he will not settle with H&A under defamation. W exact opposite. Katniss and September of last year a request for Relevant documents in Discovery process it was blown off and he saying today that he's going. All books and Records all information and they will and they will and they will interview. And take depositions from and have full discovery on everyone associated with this including American and European financial institutions. Executive associate with those institutions. When I say the beginning of process with mouse growth and others are saying is at financial institutions in the West in the executive?What a free ride on the totalitarian regime of the Chinese Communist party you're not? And not be held accountable you are going to be here.

Also immediately he is going to do a counterclaim against Section 8 and all Associated parties related to the death. In addition he's going to gather all the information from the investigative group and turn that over to the appropriate authorities. Whatever they think is necessary? Last but not least this presentation in other presentation miles has committed that he will take throughout the United States. The cities to make sure people in those cities and communities and get the full briefing he's also committed to the green he can to go over sea. The spread this. Now. Might as well work some pretty pretty big checks today that's going to have to be cashed in this presentation. Principally he is saying to hna in association with the Chinese Communist party is. But a money want to bring a set of senior officials at CCP and the company.And he is highly confident. That one all the information is turned over. And using the rule of law of the American courts. That that will be. Shown in in in in the transparency that one needs? It is shocking to me.That it is taken to November of 2018 for this to happen.

The recklessness. Of the Chinese Communist party scene. The recklessness of the financial institution and Senior Executives in those institutions to allow this to happen is nothing short of stuff.

What would you like to do if you run over time but want to take you over to take questions and then we're going to make a year? The movie don't have full access to Miles domesticate time for. Investigator to myself afterwards you like to take a few questions of what we're going to do is want you to identify yourself I know.11:35:34

 Could you please identify yourself so the live streaming audience can hear you and we're going to take we're going to make sure it's transfer? Answer the questions I like to start with. Are going from accounts from the South China Morning Post?

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