

Qòshiqlar tarjimasi

Lose Yourself -

Òzligini yòqotmoq



Look.. If you had..

Qara.. Agar qòlingda bòlsa..

One shot, or one opportunity

Bir zarba, yo bitta imkoniyat

To seize everything you ever wanted.. In one moment

Sen istagan barcha narsani qòlga kiritsh uchun.. Bir onda

Would you capture it.. Or just let it slip? Yo..

Ushlab qolarmiding.. Yoki qòldan boy berarmiding? Hoy..

[Qism 1:]

His palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy

Uning kafti terlagan, tizzasi holsiz, qòli bemador

There's vomit on his sweater already, mom's spaghetti

Egnidagi svitterda doği bor, onasini lağmonidan qolgan

He's nervous, but on the surface he looks calm and ready

U asabiylashmoqda, biroq ustida hotirjam kòrinish va tayyor holda

To drops bombs, but he keeps on forgetting

Gaplarni tashlamoqchi, ammo yodidan chiqarmoqda

What he wrote down, the whole crowd goes so loud

Yozgan har sòzini, olomon hayqiriği judayam balandligidan

He opens his mouth but the words won't come out

U oğzini ochdiyu, lekin bitta sòz ham ichidan chiqmadi.

He's chokin, how? Everybody's jokin now

U bòğilmoqda, qanaqasiga? Hozir hamma ustidan kuladi

The clock's run out, time's up, over - blaow!

Soati yetdi, vaqti tugadi, fursat ketdi!

Snap back to reality, ohh - there goes gravity

Osmondan yerga tushdi, mana sanga tortishish kuchi

Ohh - there goes rabbit, he choked

Vohh - quyon yugurib òtdi, u bòğildi

He's so mad, but he won't

U ğazabda, lekin unday qilmaydi

Give up that easy nope, he won't have it

Osonlikcha tashlab ketish yòq, boshqa imkon bòlmaydi

He knows, his whole back's to these ropes

U biladi, qòl-oyoği arqon bilan boğlangan

It don't matter, he's dope

Endi bu muhimmas, u yana kayfda

He knows that, but he's broke

U buni biladi, ammo uni puli yòq

He's so sad that he knows

U shunchalik qayğudaki, biladi

When he goes back to this mobile home, that's when it's

Qachonki shu kòchma uyga qaytib kelsa, òshanda

Back to the lab again, yo, this whole rap shit

Xonasiga qaytadi, repni mashq qilishga

He better go capture this moment

U yahshisi shu onni tutib qolishi kerak

And hope it don't pass him

Va umid qilaman omad undan yuz ògirmaydi

[Naqorat: 2x]

You better - lose yourself in the music, the moment

Sen yaxshisi - musiqaga shònğigin, bu on

You own it, you better never let it go (go)

Seni izmingda, sen faqat buni qòldan chiqarma (ketma)

You only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blow

Senda òt ochishga bir urinish bor, portlatish uchun imkonni boy berma

This opportunity comes once in a lifetime

Bunday imkoniyat umringda bir marta keladi

You better...

Sen yahshisi...

[Qism 2:]

Soul's escaping, through this hole that is gaping

Ruhi chiqib ketar, shu teshikdan esnayotgan

This world is mine for the taking

Bu olam menga tegishli qabul qilish uchun

Make me king, as we move

Meni Qirol qiling, qilgan harakatlarimiz

Toward a new world order

Dunyoga yangi tartibni òrnatadi

A normal life is boring but superstardom's

Oddiy hayot juda zerikarli, ammo superyulduzlarni

Close to post-mortem, it only grows harder

Òlimidan sòng ham eslashadi, faqat bu judayam qiyin kechadi

Homie grows hotter, he blows it's all over

Yigitcha qizitmoqda, hammayoda tanilmoqda

These hoes is all on him, coast to coast shows

Shilta qizla u bilan birga, yurtni u chekkasidan bu chekkasida tomoshada

He's known as the globetrotter

U sayohatchi sifatida tanildi

Lonely roads, god only knows

Yolğiz yòllar va tangriga ayondir qaylarni kezgani

He's grown farther from home, he's no father

U uyidan, oilasidan uzoqlashdi, uni ota deb atash qiyin

He goes home and barely knows his own daughter

U uyiga qaytdi va òz qizini tushunmay qoldi

But hold your nose cause here goes the cold water

Lekin burningni berkitib ol, chunki hozir muzdek suv quyiladi

These hoes don't want him no mo', he's cold product

Bu shilta qizla unga qarami qòydi, u endi kerakmas mahsulot kabi

They moved on to the next schmoe who flows

Ular endi navbatdagi mishiqini oldiga ketishdi

He nose-dove and sold nada, and so the soap opera

Uning burni yerga tegdi va savdosi òldi, mana shunaqa karam shòrva

Is told, it unfolds, I suppose it's old partner

Aytilgandi, endi ayon bòlmoqda, taxminimcha bu uning eski hamkori

But the beat goes on da-da-dum da-dum da-dah

Lekin zarbalar yangrashda davom etadi: da-da-dum da-dum da-dah

[Naqorat: 2x]

You better - lose yourself in the music, the moment

Sen yaxshisi - musiqaga shònğigin, bu on

You own it, you better never let it go (go)

Seni izmingda, sen faqat buni qòldan chiqarma (ketma)

You only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blow

Senda òt ochishga bir urinish bor, portlatish uchun imkonni boy berma

This opportunity comes once in a lifetime

Bunday imkoniyat umringda bir marta keladi

You better...

Sen yahshisi...

[Qism 3:]

No more games,

Òyinlar tugadi,

I'ma change what you call rage

Ğazab nimaligini kòrsatib qòyaman

Tear this motherfuckin roof off like two dogs caged

Buzib tashiman bu la'nati tomni huddi qafasda qamalgan ikki it kabi

I was playin in the beginning, the mood all changed

Men eng boshida òynar edim, lekin endu kayfiyatim òzgardi

I've been chewed up and spit out and booed off stage

Meni saqich kabi chaynab sòng tuflashdi va hushtak bilan sahnadan haydashdi

But I kept rhymin and stepped right in the next cypher

Lekin men qofiya ustida ishladim va darhol keyingi chiqishni qildim

Best believe somebody's payin the pied piper

Ishonaver har kim òziga munosibini oladi

All the pain inside amplified by the

Ichkaridagi barcha oğriq kuchaymoqda

Fact that I can't get by with my nine to

Haqiqat shundaki, hech nimaga erishomiman mani 9 dan

Five and I can't provide the right type of

5 gacham bòlgan ishim bilan arziydigan

Life for my family, cause man, these god damn

Hayot qilomiman oilamga, chunki odam, ming la'nat

Food stamps don't buy diapers, and there's no movie

Ovqat taloniga taglik bermaydi va bu senga kino emas

There's no Mekhi Phifer, this is my life

U yerda Mehi Fifer yòq, bu yerda mening hayotim

And these times are so hard, and it's gettin even harder

Va bu òta oğir davrlar battar qiyinlashmoqda

Tryin to feed and water my seed plus, teeter-totter

Harakat qilmoqdaman bolamni yedirib ichirishga va u bilan òynashga

Caught up between bein a father and a primadonna

Mashhurlik va ota roli òrtasida qolib ketib

Baby momma drama screamin on her too much for me to wanna

Bolamni onasiga kòp baqiradigan bòldim, haddan ortiq

Stay in one spot, another day of monotony

Bir joyda qayta bòlish, ertasiga yana suğur kuni

Has gotten me to the point, I'm like a snail I've got

Sabr kosamni tòldiradi, men tushundim, shillaqurtga òxshiman

To formulate a plot, or end up in jail or shot

Reja tuzishim kerak, bòlmasam qamoqda chiriyman yoki òldirib ketishadi

Success is my only i option, failure's not

Muvaffaqiyat - yagona yòlim, mağlubiyat òrin yòq

Mom I love you but this trailer's got to go

Onajon sizni yahshi kòraman, biroq bu kòchma uy yòlga tushishi lozim

I cannot grow old in Salem's Lot

Men bu Salem Lot shahrida keksayishni istamayman

So here I go it's my shot, feet fail me not

Xòsh, mana yòlga tushdim, zarba berishga, oyoqlarim endi pand bermaydi

This may be the only opportunity that I got

Ehtimol bu yagona imkoniyatdir menga berilgan

[Naqorat: 2x]

You better - lose yourself in the music, the moment

Sen yaxshisi - musiqaga shònğigin, bu on

You own it, you better never let it go (go)

Seni izmingda, sen faqat buni qòldan chiqarma (ketma)

You only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blow

Senda òt ochishga bir urinish bor, portlatish uchun imkonni boy berma

This opportunity comes once in a lifetime

Bunday imkoniyat umringda bir marta keladi

You better...

Sen yahshisi...


You can do anything you set your mind to, man

Aqling bilan istagan ishni qilolisan, harakat qil, erkak

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