


❓1. What are the definitions and differences of “emigration”, “immigration”, and “migration”?

❓2. What are the reasons of emigration? Why do people emigrate?

❓3. Do you like to emigrate? 

❓4. Do you know anyone who has recently immigrated to another country? What is their condition? 

❓5. What are the problems of immigrants?

❓6. How is the condition of immigrants in your country? How do you treat them?


🌀Asylum-seeker: a person who has left their home country as a political refugee and is seeking asylum in another:

Only asylum seekers who are granted refugee status are allowed to work in the country.

🌀Diaspora: the dispersion of any people from their original homeland:

The Ukrainian diaspora flocked back to Kiev.

🌀Resettle: settle or cause to settle in a different place:

They offered to resettle 300,000 refugees.

🌀Take up residence/residency somewhere: to go to live somewhere: 

She took up permanent residency abroad.

#Juxtapositions 1/3



Illegal, undocumented, legal, large-scale, mass, massive, increased, uncontrolled, continued, continuing, Hispanic, Jewish, Mexican, Iranian, Afghans


The immense and continuing immigration from Latin America increased during the dictatorship. 


Control, curtail, limit, prevent, reduce, restrict, stop, discourage, increase, encourage


I think we need to discourage illegal immigration.

The authorities quickly encouraged immigration.


Immigration + —-

Bill, control, crisis, debate, law, legislation, policy, proposal, reform, restrictions, rules, agent, authority, court, office, officer, official, service, attorney, judge, lawyer, case, proceedings, violation, quota, rate, status, records, papers


They were arrested for immigration violations.

US attorneys match immigration records to voting rolls.

His wife finally received her immigration papers.




There was a sudden increase in immigration from Europe.

#Juxtapositions 2/3



Illegal, undocumented, legal, foreign, Hispanic, Irish, Italian, Jewish, Mexican, newly arrived, recent, recently arrived, first-generation, second-generation, working-class, poor, skilled, unskilled, flood


Like many first-generation immigrants, they worked hard and saved most of their earnings.

These were working-class immigrants, mainly from rural parts of Mexico.

The government is eager to attract skilled immigrants.


—- + Immigrant

Accept, welcome, attract, draw, encourage, bring, smuggle, assimilate, employ, hire, assist, help, detain, target, deport, return, exclude

Immigrant + —- 

Arrive, enter, move to, pour into, settle, come from, flee, live in, settle in, work, found, speak, seek, experience, face, assimilate


These factors attracted new immigrants.

Businesses may want to hire skilled immigrants.

European immigrants settled much of Australia.

The company was founded by two immigrants from Bangladesh.

Italian immigrants assimilated easily into Brazilian society.


Immigrant + —- 

Community, family, generation, group, minority, population, laborer, student, worker, labor, neighborhood, status, experience, rights, culture, identity


They are trying to secure immigrant status for their families.


From, to


She was the daughter of Chinese immigrants to America.


Flood of immigrants, influx of immigrants, tide of immigrants, wave of immigrants


The United States experienced major waves of immigration during the colonial era, the first part of the 19th century and from the 1880s to 1920.

#Juxtapositions 3/3



Large-scale, mass


From, to


Wave of emigration


He called for a halt to the recent wave of emigration.

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