Letter to a friend

Letter to a friend

Eliis Rehemaa

Dear Elizabeth,

Thank you for your letter and it was nice to hear from you. You asked me to tell you about the adventure sports centre. Well let me tell you some amazing things about that place.

I think you should definitely go there, it was lots of fun. I didn't have the guts to do some things that other people did, but you would absolutely love it.

Some of the events were quite exhausting and I truly had problems finishing them, but I somehow did it anyway. You will have to run A LOT and that can make you sweat like crazy. But apart from that, a sports centre is a great place to find new friends who have the same interest as you, which I did without a fail.

I also really liked the staff who worked there. They were so helpful and open-minded. One instructor saw that I was scared to do some activities so he encouraged me and ensured that I could do it. I know you are kind of scared to do crazy and over the top things, but I assure you, there's always people watching you who are ready to help.

Overall, I really think you should go as well, it was really fun! Everyone in our group found some kind of exercise that was fitting for them so I don't see a reason why it should be different for you.



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