Sainul Abid


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      ⚠ *ELECTRONICS* ⚠


⚠ Electronics is the study of nature, control and applications of electrons.

⚠ Modem is modulator demodulator.

⚠ Rectifiers are used to convert alternating current (AC) to direct current (DC).

⚠ An electronic oscillator is device, which converts DC energy in to AC Energy.

⚠ Silicon is used in solar cells.

⚠ Materials whose resistivity lied in between conductors and insulators are called semiconductors. Germanium silicon carbon etc is semiconductors. 

⚠ A transistor is a current operated device whereas a triode is a voltage operated device.

⚠ A transistor can be operated only at low voltages and temperatures.

⚠ Three regions of transistors are emitter, base and collector.

⚠ A transistor transfers a signal from a low resistance to high resistance.

⚠ The word transistor came from the process of transfer and the resistor.

⚠ ELINT is electronic intelligence.

⚠ In electronics bias means voltage.

⚠ Triode was invented by Lee De forest

⚠ The IC chips is a circuit which performs the functions of transistors, diode, resistors, condensers etc altogether.

⚠ Electrons are carriers of current in a npn transistors. Holes are the carriers of current in a pnp transitors.



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