Eldar Black Holes

Eldar Black Holes

Special for λclub

Adam Crowl had an amusing idea. A recent paper suggested that it is possible to have black hole(s) that are older than the universe.

Imagine that you have a cyclic universe, where a universe is born in a big bang, ages, then finally dies in a big crunch. then it is reborn in a new big bang. The paper states that it is possible for some black holes born in one cycle to avoid being gobbled up in the big crunch, and would then be present in the new universe born in the next big bang. The black holes would be older than the new universe since they were born in the prior universe.

Something like this appears in George Zebrowski's novel MACROLIFE, and Poul Anderson's novel TAU ZERO. But I digress.

There was a second, unrelated paper that suggests that aliens can live inside black holes. That is, if you have a black hole that has an electrical charge and is rotating, in its interior (inside the inner Cauchy horizon) there are stable orbits a planet can occupy. In theory, highly advanced aliens could live on such planets, being unobservable from outside while exploiting the high energies and large time dialtions available. Not to mention the delicious possibilities of causality violations. Probably a Kardashev type III civilization. A pity they cannot escape.

Of course, they can escape if they have faster-than-light starships. The "surface" of a black hole is its event horizon. This is the point where the black hole's escape velocity is equal to the speed of light. Inside, the escape velocity is faster than light. Which presumably a faster-than-light starship is capable of. This makes an appearance in the Heechee novels of Frederik Pohl.

Anyway, Adam Crowl decided to combine these two papers. Imagine black holes older than the universe, containing aliens who are obviously also older than the universe. Elder godlike beings older than time, imprisoned in other dimensions. Oh my god, it's Cthulhu.

But that's OK. They cannot escape from inside the black hole. That is, of course, until some idiot in an FTL starships travels inside just to see whats there. I guess that's "when the stars are right".

(Actually this sounds more like the Cthulhu mythos elder god Yog-Sothoth who is coterminous with all time and space yet is supposedly locked outside of the universe we inhabit.)

Source: http://www.projectrho.com/public_html/rocket/weirdastronomy.php#id--Eldar_Black_Holes

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