

The internet today is a widespread information infrastructure and its influence reaches not only the technical field of computer communications but throughout society as we move towards increasing use of online tools to accomplish electronic commerce, information acquisition and community operations. The internet represents one of the most successful examples of the benefit of sustained investment and commitment to research and development of information infrastructure. Beginning with the early research in packet switching, the government, industry and academia have been partners evolving and deploying this exciting new technology. 

HTML5 is the latest evolution of the standard that defines HTML. It is a markup language used for structuring and presenting content on the World Wide Web. HTML5 has the robust capabilities when it comes to developing applications which helps in running common applications without having to install additional plugins. The HTML5 supports video and audio page elements, improves SEO visibility and is universally compatible. In as much as there are lots of benefits of HTML5, there are other weaknesses that tend to pose major challenges.


Despite the compelling features and capabilities of the HTML5, it is of great benefit to note that it is not the solution to every of the challenges. The following are the limitations of HTML5;

Security issues

Limitation of local data storage

Local data manipulation

Synchronization challenges

Little or no data recovery

Format incompatibilities 


The egretia platform is built with an idea of reforming the HTML5. It is saddled with the responsibility of harnessing the adaptability of HTML5 and the versatility of the blockchain network. The workflow of egretia allows developers to efficiently debug code, visually adjust UI interface, easily create cross-platform animations and interactive media content and publish HTML5 content as iOS or android apps via packaging tool. 

With these features, the security of data and storage solution is guaranteed (it is built on a decentralized platform) and developers have the exclusive right to build blockchain games and applications. 


The Egretia platform is a collaboration of egret technology and block chain technology. The egret technology is about the largest HTML5 gaming platform in the world with over 40 million users. This Egretia platform is thus the upgraded version of the egret platform supporting HTML5 developers and players worldwide. One of the benefits for the developer is securing/safe guarding his content from online theft and piracy and an easy access to blockchain. 

Egretia incorporates the next gen storage system, advertising, gaming and trading platform into blockchain. With collaboration of over 200,000 developers with over a billion HTML5 devices, Egretia is indeed bringing light to HTML5 which can also transcend into the future of the internet.




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